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Primary Culture

+1 Merchants
+20% Naval Force Limit Modifier

Rejection of Khetist BeliefsFor centuries the Khet Empire forced us to follow their religion, their tenants, their traditions. No more! We follow our own faith. The faith of the Vurbindu people, the creator Zuvanofa, and everything that he created on this earth.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Firearm TradeTo access the goods of Haless, the nations of Cannor sailed around Sarhal. This route helped them to avoid having to pay taxes and protection fees to travel through the Serpentspine tunnels, or avoid the religious zealots of Jaddar when crossing the Salahad deserts. This route meant their trade ships would sail down the coast of Vurebindika and stop to trade at our ports. Wine and textiles were some of the goods bought and sold from the trade ships, but the most important goods they brought to our shores were their advanced firearms.
+10% Land Fire Damage

Breadbasket of SarhalWars between the Vurebindu and Irsukuba have historically prevented widespread farming to take hold in Horashesh, to say nothing of how Kheterata bled our homeland dry to extract their tribute. With Horashesh united, we can finally put these vast, fertile plains to good use, and become the Breadbasket of Sarhal.
-10% Development Cost

Rebuild the Great CitiesThe Zuvavim Coast was once home to great Vyzemby cities, with ruins of their castles still dotting the coastline. The warring factions of the Irsukuba and Vurebindu people prevented us from investing in construction. Meanwhile our overlords in the Khet Empire only cared about our wellbeing insofar as we could deflect the lizardfolkk, sending us weaponry and little else. With our people united, it’s time to rebuild the great cities along the coast. We can funnel our resources into new infrastructure and construct cities that will dwarf the Vyzemby strongholds of yesteryear.
-10% Construction Cost
-10% Fort Maintenance

Global PerspectiveIn 1536, there was a shocking outbreak of violence at the state house in Bivuzena. The uproar was over a map brought by Cannorian traders. This map became hugely controversial due simply to its accuracy. Conservative zealots, who held fast to beliefs about the importance of Vurebindika, did not appreciate being shown just how tiny their nation truly was in the context of the rest of the world.\n\nThe map was rescued from the burning building by the wealthy merchant Salik of the Diven. Salik helped fund the reconstruction of the state house, including commissioning a giant version of this map to be painted on the back wall in the central hall. The hall became the central hub through which trade negotiations, public political debates, and even cultural performances were held. With the map as a backdrop, it assisted the merchants and political leaders to coordinate their global plans, spread their influence to other regions, and ultimately direct trade to Bivuzena
+20% Trade Steering

Cannon PartsCannons are dangerous. If the mechanism isn’t working as intended, such as if you use cheap quality iron, it can blow up in the cannoneer's face, destroying both the cannon and the men who had endured years of training to operate it. Or at least, so we have heard from other nations in Sarhal. We don’t have that problem. With our global trade network, we get access to the finest cannon parts for significantly lower prices than anyone else on the continent.
-15% Artillery Cost

Vyzemby History DayEarly attempts at integrating the Vyzemby post-unification were not very successful. For some reason the halflings did not appreciate reuniting with their historical allies in Horashesh. This wasn’t helped by the insulting names those on the mainland would use to refer to the Vyzemby. ‘Dog riders' and its double entendre meaning could be found scrawled on the walls in halfling districts. In an attempt to combat the racial divide, Vyzemby History Day was introduced as a national holiday to celebrate the great history of the old Vyzemby civilization and its people.\n\nFor years the holiday was mocked as a patronising joke to the people of Fahvanosy. But the efforts to teach the people of Vurebindiku about the history of the Vyzemby were ultimately successful. Museums opened at sites of the old Vyzemby ruins in Horashesh and a general acceptance of the Vyzemby as part of the nation did take hold within the nation.
+3 Max Promoted Cultures

-5% Technology Cost


