Viswaller Ideas

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-10% Construction Cost
+15% Morale of Armies

Memories of the PartitionIn 1423, the City of Viswall was ravaged, conquered and then split apart through the Widderoy by the two powers of Lorent and Gawed. Let us never forget it was with great difficulty that we wrested control of our beautiful city back from these foreign invaders.
-0.02 Monthly War Exhaustion

The City of ColorsAfter observing people from all walks of life passing through and even settling in the vibrant city, the visiting Damerian diplomat, Ines de Béthune, gave Viswall the moniker "City of Colors" - a name happily adopted by the populace of Viswall. In many ways, this title remains true even up till today. In order to maintain our hard won peace and stability, we must uphold this tradition of tolerance and acceptance.
+1 Max Promoted Cultures

Viswall DayShortly after reunification, a day was set aside annually to celebrate our liberation from our Gawedi and Lorentish overlords. On this day of merriment, the city bursts into color - well, more color than usual. Vibrantly colored paper birds are set loose into the Widderoy. Buildings are adorned with the septichrome banner of Viswall. Brilliant fireworks shoot off into the evening sky. Alcohol and beverages are dyed with additives and flow freely into the night. May we never forget.
-2 National Unrest

Heart of the Small CountryIn the past, before the so-called 'Wars of Dominion' and our partition, Viswall was a major trading hub strategically located at the crossroads between Anbennar, Lorent and the Alenic peoples. Goods flowed freely and in great volume and our city became prosperous as a direct result. For the sake of our future, it is time to revive these old trade routes and once more become the beating heart of the Small Country.
+10% Global Trade Power
+1 Merchants

Rainbow Guard ReformsThe Rainbow Guard is a local contingent of Halfling volunteers raised to defend the city in its time of need. During the rebellion, the Guard became sorely tested and overwhelmed by the far more disciplined and well-equipped Lorentish and Gawedi knights. Despite their losses, many in the city have come to celebrate the courage of the Guard in the face of insurmountable odds. It would be a shame to remove such a treasured institution. Instead, let us reform the Guard into a proper military arm.
+3% Discipline
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier

Lessons of the First RebellionWhen the hour came for the rebellion, poor little Viswall stood alone against the coalition. Brave, yes, but if we want to liberate the Small Country, we also need to be smart. A combination of friendly diplomatic overtures, political maneuvering and... bribes, might help other countries see things our way and maybe even help us along our goal.
+15% Improve Relations

A Rallying SymbolFor the longest time, the Halfling people have been divided. Perhaps we have little to no ambition for empire. Maybe we get too easily consumed by our petty squabbles and rivalries amongst ourselves. Whatever the case is, it has left us weak and open to external powers that seek to take advantage of us and exploit us. A rallying symbol is badly needed to bring the halflings together to stand against the imperialists and witch-kings of our world. If not us, then who?
+20% National Manpower Modifier

-10% Core-Creation Cost