Vidvakhoka Ideas

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+15% Fort Defence
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

Soothsayers of the XianjieDivination is held in high regard in Vidvakhoka, with its practitioners being even more highly regarded than famed martial artists. Our masters are famed for being able to uncover even the most hidden pieces of knowledge, and occasionally can see glimpses of the future.\n\nThis scrying technique requires a special type of tobacco only grown within our land, making it impossible to replicate by those outside of it. Though such a habit has had the effect of giving us a reputation as tobacco addicts, it is a price we are more than willing to pay.
-10% Idea Cost

School of Deep FogIn contrast to other schools of martial arts, which teach a new way of directly combating the enemy, the School of Deep Fog teaches subterfuge. We focus on disorienting our enemies by making illusions of soldiers surrounding them, making it impossible to tell what is real and what is not. These illusions are made of the smoke of our special tobacco, making us superior to the typical conjurer reliant on intensive magical abilities.\n\nThis strategy has proven very effective, with many an enemy commander fleeing when outnumbered, only to discover later he faced but a few warriors.
-5% Fire Damage Received
-5% Shock Damage Received

The Laws of DestinyIn Vidvakhoka, we know that nobody is above the law, and that includes the law of destiny. This allows our people to come to terms with their fate, and settle their problems before moving on to the next realm. It also removes the wasted time of fighting against the inevitable, allowing people to use their time to the fullest. Most importantly, people try to do their lot in life and settle for the present, rather than dream of an unobtainable future.
-20% Stability Cost Modifier

Tobacco Garden CultivationThe most common task for Vidvakhokan monks is that of harvesting the vast fields of tobacco which cover our nation. These vast gardens, the only ones of their type in Haless, form the core of both our martial strength and our economy - they must be protected at all costs.\n\nNo one has ever successfully obtained a live tobacco plant from our fields, and no one ever will. This grants us a complete monopoly over this vital substance, ensuring the strength of our economy and military for centuries to come.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Theaters of IllusionThe art of theater is one practiced across the world, but nowhere is it more refined than in Vidvakhoka. This is due to the use of illusion magic, allowing us to portray tales accurately without the need for masks or props. Therefore, we can tell tales as they were meant to be told, complete with magical creatures and powerful spells. Our plays are famous across the world, and our playwriting tradition is second to none.
+1 Monthly Splendour
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Flaring AgreementAmong the monks of Vidvakhoka, the typical sign of approval is blowing smoke out of your nose, instead of the typical nod or handshake. This tradition continues even outside of our borders, with our diplomats maintaining this custom.\n\nNaturally, this custom has become famous across Haless, ensuring that our diplomats are always on people's minds. This has allowed our diplomats to truly shine, making us well regarded by all.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

The Library of InsightDespite our reputation for clouding the truth through illusion, we have the greatest store of knowledge in the Xianjie, the Library of Insight. Inside, there are scrolls and books containing everything from ancient tales to magical techniques, and much more.\n\nMuch of this was discovered by our famed soothsayers, giving us exclusive access to this information. This treasure trove will prove a great boon to any aspiring innovators among our people.
+50% Innovativeness Gain

-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact