Vertesker Ideas

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-20% Galley Cost
+20% Galley Combat Ability

City of Three EmpiresVertesk is an ancient citadel, among the first ever raised by Old Castanor, and later capital of the old Gawedi Kingdom and the dread Vertesk Dominion before becoming a Free City of Anbennar. While empires rise and fall, we alone survive throughout the ages, and we will persevere long after Anbennar is ground to dust.
+0.5 Yearly Prestige
-1% Prestige Decay

The Alen EstuaryOur fair city commands the mouth of the great Alen River, whose numerous tributaries reach far inland before emptying into the Dameshead. This grants us dominion over the most extensive trading network in Northern Cannor... with all the riches it brings.
+10% Global Trade Power

Orcish Slave TradeWhile most saw only death and destruction with the Greentide, we saw an opportunity. The orcs are a brutish and savage people, but have their uses as soldiers and manual laborers. We need only connect them to the right buyers...
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Old Castanorian ArsenalOld Castanor had erected a grand arsenal in the city to support their ambitions over the Dameshead. Though it has fallen into disuse over the centuries, many of its shipbuilding facilities are still operational, and have contributed greatly to our naval efforts.
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

Boarding PolicyWhile the seadogs of Neckcliffe are content to plunder enemy ships and then scuttle them, we are not so wasteful. Let us take special care to capture enemy ships and put them to use for the glory of Vertesk!
+20% Chance to Capture Enemy Ships

The Black TowerThe ancient Castanorian Citadel of Bal Vertesk is the nucleus around which our modern city has formed. Its long and terrible history as seat of the Dominion is not lost on the populace, who think twice before crossing the shadow of the Black Tower.
-1 National Unrest

SkulduggeryVertesk is not what it once was, especially after Anbenncóst's rise to prominence following the War of the Sorcerer-King. As more trade is diverted to the Damesear, our city dwindles and falls into disrepute. Fortunately, disreputable places and people have their uses...
+20% Spy Network Construction

+10% Trade Efficiency