Verkal Kozenad

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Verkal Kozenad

Primary Culture

+1 Monarch Administrative Skill
+15% Siege Ability

The Grand SchemeThe Opal Dwarves are a people of fate and believe in a concept called 'The Grand Scheme', where everything that happens is all part of a worldly plan that is greater than any of us. Many believe that it is impossible to change the fate of their futures. Some feel a sense of dread as they believe death lurks in every corner, while others find peace, believing that their fate is beyond their control.
+10% Morale of Armies

Ladies of the Opal CallingThe term 'Ladies of the Opal Calling' still exists to this day amongst the dwarven people, and refer to Verkal Kozenad's many skilled and notorious brothels where many dignitaries have revealed their state secrets. They would lull many high ranking officials in to find out about the new proceedings all across the Dwarovar. The Ladies were so skilled that these officials were often ignorant of their own revelations.
+25% Female Advisor Chance
+20% Spy Network Construction

Bad Luck!It is said that the Opal have notoriously bad luck. Whether this is superstition regarding their opal or holds a pearl of truth, it seems that in the history of Verkal Kozenad any plot within the state comes out prematurely. It was said that Morzad Ringbeard, an aspiring thief planned a heist to rob the Aegis of Arg-Ôrdstun before it was added to the Dwarovkron. The Aegis was kept in a vault within its hold, guarded by one hundred of the greatest Diamond Dwarf soldiers.\n\nHowever, Morzad had found a way in using a tunnel that had not been collapsed after the building of the vault. Surprised, he and his men entered the tunnel to find a way into the vault when he noticed that many supports had been removed from the tunnel. Fear overcame him and as he shuffled around, he kicked some dust in the air and let out a sneeze, which echoed out in the tunnel which triggered the last support to collapse, burying the thieves under a vault which in reality was just a decoy.
-2 National Unrest

Opal Railway RobbersThe proximity to Er-Natvir, where the Dwarovar Railway converges, allowed many opal dwarves to live a life of banditry amongst the rail-lines of the Dwarovar. The most famous of these Opal Bandits was Bozan Kezdori who stole a train full of gold tithe from Verkal Gulan, abandoned it, and nearly crashed the economy due to hyperinflation.
+25% Looting Speed
+15% Trade Steering

Spymasters of Aul-DwarovDespite their perceived bad luck, many Opal Dwarves came to hold positions of intrigue and skullduggery in the days of Aul-Dwarov. Some say it was due to an inherent quality to do evil possessed by, but others just say coincidence.
-25% Spy Action Cost Modifier

Iridescent LawmakingLike the gem on their flag Verkal Kozenad was extremely flexible and laissez-faire with their laws and policies, much to the jealousy of their neighbouring holds. However, this laissez-faire approach was only a veil meant to show the Opal Dwarves as cooperative and civilized compared to other dwarves. In reality, the officials of Verkal Kozenad just never fully enforced the new laws nor followed them themselves, which entrenched corruption within the ruling class for generations.
+15% Reform Progress Growth

Shifting LoyaltiesThe Opal Dwarves were not known for their loyalty, and were often being bribed for support by the clans of other holds during Amlharaz debates or clan feuds. This made them untrusted by many but also useful accomplices in the passing of vital, dead-locked reforms. But the Opal Dwarves knew their value and would only accept the most competitive price available.
+10% Shock Damage

+1 Attrition for Enemies


