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Primary Culture

-15% Cavalry Cost
+10% Production Efficiency

The Barrow MarshesHalf-buried, the largest concentration of barrows from the Ebonsteel Kings era haunts the land. Foul energies linger here, a cold fog obscuring sight from naught else but the swaying grasses. Draugr, filled with ancient anger and clutching armaments as rotten as themselves, raid and murder. Cold and heartless beasts, both living and unliving, emerge from the very muck of the Haugrmyrr to kill, even aiding Trolls. Some would cower in fear, and retreat from such an evil. But to Várheimers, it is a point of pride to the people to be custodians of these ancient ruins, stubbornly slaying the risen dead and boasting of it over mead.\n\nThis duty towards the past has not escaped attention: many Skalds have braved the marshes in the hope of unearthing the secrets of the past. Though they may be received with apparent disinterest, in truth Várheimers are curious of their ancestors and their place in history.
+1 Yearly Prestige

DrasillburinThe vast pastures of the western Dalr, with their wind-blown fields and innumerous winding rivulets, are well-suited for livestock. While shorter than southern horses, their stockiness makes up for strength. Various breeds of horses are kept for different jobs, from lowly draughts to warhorses. The Fagrhjart, the most highly valued of them all, are said to carry themselves with the dignity of ancient kings and remain unflinching even when facing monstrous foes. Marked with flowing locks of blonde hair, braided by especially honored servants, the Fagrhjart carry only the most prestigious upon their noble backs.\n\nBefore the foundation of Bjarnrík, the riders of Varheim ruled the plains. Torbjold of Torbjoldhavn’s namesake refused allegiance to Bera, and met her in battle. Although Torbjold was defeated and executed, Várheim itself was spared. Following the war with Bera, Várheim was faced with great humiliation, with the first few generations afterwards being forced to give away their prized warhorses to the conquerors. While today they are sold fairly, the legacy of this injustice still pervades the countryside.
+10% Cavalry Combat Ability

Lands of the First SpringWhile not originating in Várheim, the celebrations of the First Thaw are so widely celebrated that it is the namesake of the jarldom. Come spring, the grasslands of the valley bloom into dazzling white, purple, and yellow that buzz with bees. Villagers gather for song, dance and mead with crowns of flowers around stone pillars laid by their ancestors. It is then that the disparate tribes of Várheim meet in celebration, when feuds are ended and courtships began.\n\nSome Skalds say that it was in Várheim that the One-Armed Skald did first walk in the First Spring. In carved runestones dating to when the first Gerudians returned, the One-Armed Skald did breathe life into the land again. From his song, the long-dormant seeds awakened, and the creatures of the land did return from the sleep of death.
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

Insular FarmhandsThe western Dalr is somewhat isolated in its vast plains, only connected by the meandering rivers or a long journey on horseback. Content to tend to their crops and livestock, Varheimers are known for their cold hospitality to outsiders. However, for their kinsmen they would travel the world and back.
-20% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

ReaverholdsWith their riches secure, even the most violent of reavers settle down. Whether from Revrhavn, Bjarnland, or the far end of Olavlund, reaver captains and their crew have been known to sail upriver to Varheim and establish towns of their own. With bribes paid to officials, alliances and petty wars with other thanes, these reaver holds eventually settle into the windy plains.\n\nWhether they are fresh into retirement, or descendants from these grizzled warriors, these reaverholds provide a bounty of tough and experienced fighters. Among these warriors, the bright and violent minds behind their company have years of experience in the art of war.
+1 Yearly Army Tradition

Misery Under the EagleThe occupation of Bjarnrík by the Northern League was not easy for Varheim. With little connection to the sea, meager mineral wealth, and no prime timber to speak of, the only thing to offer was their agriculture. But their years toil in produce and livestock was paltry in comparison to what warmer, southern lands could produce. Marked with poverty, the insular Varheim communities became more secluded and resentful. Many both young and old joined resistance groups, seeing little left in their old farmsteads.
+10% Foreign Spy Detection
+50% Power Projection From Insults

The Eikodr RevoltThe seaside town of Eikodr was the most prosperous of Varheim. Here the gruff and uncouth manners were soothed, where farmers and weavers sold their goods under the boughs of the ancient, red-leaved oak tree. Under the Northern League, it became popular for Ravelians to establish country homes in quaint Eikodr, especially concentrated under the old oak. The old street markets, parks, and shrines around the red oak were torn down to make way for the magnates.\n\nSeeing the Eikodr’s timeless community uprooted, the Gerudian partisans responded with firm action. Striking the unsuspecting guards, the manors around the oak were seized and dismantled for streetside fortifications. The farmhands mounted on horseback harassed the army sent in response for long enough for a greeting to be made. While eventually forced out, the authorities have always been wary of setting foot in Eikodr and Varheim.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

+0.25 Cavalry Shock


