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Primary Culture

+0.25 Cavalry Shock
+1 Yearly Prestige

Conquerors of the Known WorldVareynn rules Dolindha, and Dolindha rules the Ynn. It was King Komerjon of Vareynn who slew King Vatrevid of Malacnar in personal combat and claimed the City of Warriors for himself, and through his successors Vareynn expanded to rule all the lands along the Ynn River, forging the Ynnic Empire spanning from Svemel the High City to Adbrabohvi by the End of the World.
-15% Province War Score Cost

Blood of LukausThe tradition of horse-riding in Dolindha traces back to the legendary King Lukaus, who was exiled from the Kingdom of the Mountain and went on to found many cities in the Ynn River Valley. In order to vanquish evil, and trample all those who would question his rule, he struck a pact with the feral antler horses of the Dolindhan forests, becoming Rogaispodhan - the Antler Lord, the first elf who was allowed to ride them.\n\nWhile Dolindhan horses have since become far more manageable and tamer through centuries of domestication, still today it is said that if a knight has a particular connection and affinity with his horse, he has "the Blood of Lukaus", and nowhere is the blood of Lukaus still as present as in Vareynn's nobility.
-15% Cavalry Cost

Keeping up with UpstartsEvery year we hear of young ambitious knights seeking to challenge the Knights of Vareynn to claim their title as best knights of the Ynn. While the Amethyst Knights of Amacimst are the ones who came closest to succeeding, they are but one of the many names we've heard. In order to keep up with this stream of challengers, mandatory training sessions will be scheduled, where our knights will be brought up to date with the latest fencing techniques, riding formations, and fighting tactics of the enemies. While improving their individual prowess, these exercises will also have the side effect of teaching them to trust their generals and readily follow orders.
+1 Land Leader Shock

Harbingers of HonourThe Ynnic Empire wasn't forged only through fire and bloodshed. Some states, such as Brelar, joined Vareynn willingly, while others, like Stanyrhrada, were inherited through royal marriage. When King Komerjon annexed Malacnar, he cited how the Malacnari followed the strongest, which he had proven himself to be by slaying their king. When King Jeborad crossed the Ynn at Vels Bacar to conquer southward, he did so coming to the aid of his allies in Stanyrhrada. Through the centuries, Vareynn gained a reputation as a just if firm ruler, and its citizens set the standard for what it meant to be honourable and civilized, a standard which lives on through the knightly virtue of today.
-10% Liberty Desire in Subjects

The Eternal CastleA short ride north of Vareynn City, Vareynn Amac is the oldest castle in the Ynn. Originally built as a fortified military encampment, it was under the care of the Drevondarant dynasty - a cadet branch of the Imperial family - that it was restructured to be a permanent residence for the nobility. While it was able to host many jousts and feasts throughout the ages, gathering nobles from all the Ynn, the castle also withstood many periods of hardships, both financially and militarily, and thus its keepers learned to make the best with whatever limited resources they had.
-15% Fort Maintenance

Legacy of King-Emperor JoanselnAncient Vareynn was ruled with the help of an assembly of riders, originally meant to allow those too elderly to ride in battle to continue assisting the realm by providing the ruler with regency and advice. Over time the Rider Assembly schemed to gain more and more power, even obtaining the ability to veto the King's decisions and resolve on matters of state independently.\n\nIt was King Joanseln yen Dolin who, in the seventh century after Flood, saw to it that the assembly was limited back to its advisory role and proclaimed himself the absolute Emperor of the Ynn, and while he was assassinated only a year later, his daughter finished the job and put all conspirators to death in a most gruesome fashion. While ideas of insubordination and divided rule are long behind us, we will not hesitate to stamp them out again should the specter of mob rule ever show up again.
-10% Diplomatic Annexation Cost
+10 Maximum Absolutism

Complete the Tranvit HippodromeStarted by Emperor Tranvit I in 650, work on Vareynn's grand horse-racing and jousting hippodrome was met with cheer and fanfare… until it crawled to a halt, as the emperors moved their capital to the south and abandoned their roots completely. The hippodrome was thus left half-built, and to this day it remains as a stain on the city's pride, with both the hippodrome and Vareynn being left in disrepair.\n\nNo more! We will complete the hippodrome, rebuilding it from the ground up if necessary, and then there will be no more doubters: Vareynn will be back in business being the world's capital.
+8% Cavalry Combat Ability
-1% Prestige Decay


