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Primary Culture

+15% National Manpower Modifier
+20% Improve Relations

Breadbasket of TaychendThe alluvial plains of the Kalavend are by far the most fertile area of Taychend and have since the Ruin been its most populated region, the imperial heartland of its most powerful realms and the location of its greatest cities. The Wooden Kingdom of Varamraya in particular is known for its agricultural production, only matched by the artificial fertility of the fields of Tirsin.\n\nCompared to the rest of the Kalavendi lowlands, which are dominated by massive, wealthy cities such as Nanru Nakar or Royakottar, Varamraya’s land is very rural. Fields of maize dominate the countryside as far as the eye can see, speckled with wooden groves jutting out of the gold and densely-packed wooden castle-towns overlooking the farmlands.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

The Sleek OnesThe Kalavend is an integral part of the life of every Varamrayan: it is where they live, it is where they fish, it is where they farm, and it is even where they fight. The Sleek Ones, small elite regiments of a few hundred men each, form the bulk of the Varamrayan army. Using river-going rafts and boats, they move alongside the Kalavend, hiding in its surrounding floodplains and coming out at opportune times to ambush their enemies on any point of the Kalavend. In a famous event, three regiments of the Sleek Ones navigated their way all the way from Varamraya to Cankamam in a single day, taking the city-state’s army by surprise before it even fully assembled and stopping the city-state in its trail up the Kalavend.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

Uratand the EelUratand the Eel was an officer of the Sleek Ones who rose to rule Varamraya in 1127 after a successful revolt against Nanru Nakar. Despite the Varamrayans’ initial success against Nanru Nakar, the city in this period was still dangerously powerful and the looming threat of another subjugation was evident.\n\nTo prevent his city from falling once again under a foreign power, Uratand led complicated diplomatic intrigues throughout the Kalavend. Although he showed a mask of friendliness and genuine diplomatic intentions, he was truly a cold, calculating master of espionage, managing political assassinations and blackmail to command officials from the great powers of the region, sometimes even boldly spying on foreign leaders or leading assassinations himself while on diplomatic missions. \n\nWhen the Nakari inevitably came knocking on Varamraya’s door, the enemy generals who hadn’t already mysteriously died defected to Varamraya with significant portions of the enemy army, lending Varamraya a significant military force. It would play an important role in the Kalavend until the rise of the Second Gophiran Empire.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
-10% Spy Action Cost Modifier

City of Wood, River and FarmThe city of Varamkq is often considered one of the most beautiful architectural achievements in Taychend, combining the seemingly incompatible environments of wood, river and farm to create a vibrant, diverse and completely self-sufficient city.\n\nHigh atop the branches of the eponymous Forest of Varamraya, the wooden huts of the Soaring City house most of the city’s population, linking the Guild of Woodcarvers at the edge of the forest with the Castle of Ashes towering above the Kalavend. \n\nOn the banks of the Kalavend, the large Gates of Nanru Nakar, a series of fortifications bridging the stream, put heavy tolls on the thriving riverine trade between Nanru Nakar, Royakottar and Orenkoraim. The floating Eel Markets are ever filled with the newest catches of the city’s fishers, who dock their boats in the nearby Port of Green Copper.\n\nFinally, on ground level, the maize-growing Fields of Many, which produce most of the city’s food, extend as far as the eye can see, cleverly placed under the treetops to allow enough sunlight to filter to the plants.
-10% Construction Cost

From the AshesIn the grand scheme of things, Varamraya has always been a small realm trapped between the greatest city-states of Taychend, having never had its time to truly shine among the glorious tales of God-Heroes and warlord empires. Over the centuries, it has often been subjugated by the likes of Nanru Nakar, Royakottar, or even Sibisimra, never knowing much independence outside of rare periods such as under Uratand the Eel. And yet, it has persevered, ever resilient, overcoming every crisis.\n\nThe Soaring City of Varamkq has, in truth, been put to the sword and fire countless times by foes jealous of its beauty and prosperity defying the odds, but every time it is razed to the ground, the ashes of the city only nourish its soil and Varamkq is rebuilt, ever more flourishing. This tale is not unlike the reincarnation of souls in Taychendi belief: do great in life, so you may do greater in the next one, and eventually achieve apotheosis. The kings of Varamraya have always been given hope in their endeavors by their faith that one day, Varamraya will be reborn from its ashes a final time, to become the last great empire of Taychend.
+10% Recover Army Morale Speed

The Great Loss“Fire and ashes are the signs of a lesson learned, of a rebirth after the desolation; blood and corpses only mark an end, a loss we never come back from.”\n-Last words of Elashok, king of Varamraya, before he jumped into the Kalavend in full plate armor.\n\nIn 1611, the half-elf mercenary leader Elrandar Silverspite, wearer of the draconic Armor of Yodhan, convened the cells of the Oren Nayiru, a heretical faith taking elements from both native Taychendi religion and the Bulwari Sun Cults. There, he was crowned the Kamrayakval, commander of the entire Oren Nayiru faith, commencing the greatest peasant revolt in over a thousand years.\n\nThe Lower Kalavend, under Ameion at the time, was quickly overrun by the massed peasant and slave forces of the Oren Nayiru. Varamraya became the scene of some of the greatest devastation of the war, as Oren Nayiru partisans, Varamrayan warlords, Hero Worship militias, Ameioni loyalists and opportunist marauder bands fought one another for control of the region, in one of the most devastating theaters of the war.\n\nAfter the Kamrayakval’s defeat, the Varamrayans turned away both from the more violent aspects of the glory-driven Hero Worship and the idealistic but potentially ruinous Oren Nayiru, opting to simply strive towards peace whenever they could.
-25% Administrative Advisor Cost

Skirmish Under the SunAfter the end of the Kamrayakval’s War, Ameion retreated from the Kalavend, unwilling to bear the costs of occupation. Rezankand watched this development with great interest, believing they now had another chance at conquering the Kalavend. In 1643 Rezankand once again invaded, sparking a protracted conflict that would mark Rezankand’s last major attempt to conquer Taychend. \n\nRezankand initially saw great success in their endeavors, taking major cities such as Cankaman or Royakottar, eventually putting Nanru Nakar under siege. However, the walls of Nanru Nakar would not fall so easily, and the Rezankandi were eventually forced to retreat into the lower Kalavend to deal with widespread revolts, passing Varamkq along the way.\n\nUnfortunately for them, the Varamrayans did not take kindly to foreign invaders ever since their experience in the Kamrayakval’s War. When the Rezankandi passed through Varamkq, they were ambushed by the entire force of the Sleek Ones and were surrounded on all sides by the Gates of Nanru Nakar, repurposed as military fortifications. The skirmish would inflict heavy losses on the Holy Orders of Rezankand, turning the tide of the war as guerilla warfare began in earnest, eventually leading to the third expulsion of Rezankand from the Kalavend.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

+25% Religious Unity


