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Primary Culture

+20% Morale of Armies
+1 Land Leader Shock

Harimari ChargersFew things are as scary as an angry tiger out for your blood. The harimari know that well enough, and while many still use that, the majority has grown decadent and philosophical. In Vanrahar they put the youngest most aggressive males in the front line, when it's their turn they will quickly charge their enemies with the unbound ferocity of youth. This devastating charge is then followed up by the steady march and charge of more experienced veterans, to double down on the devastating charge and to leave no time to recover.
+20% Shock Damage

Tooth and ClawWhile it has been many centuries since the harimari ascended from their primal roots, their savagery arises easily during combat. They are fierce warriors with weapons, but even a disarmed harimari is a threat. All harimari have relied on this ferocity, however in Vanrahar they doubled down on this strength. The warriors from the ancient homelands are seen as some of the strongest in all of Haless.
+15% Infantry Combat Ability

In the Footsteps of HarimarIt has been 1500 years since Harimar led the harimari from the jungles that now make up the heartland of Vanrahar and out to conquer all of Rahen and Haless. Many things can be said about his policies and other reforms, but at the core of his success lies his military genius. In response the harimari from Vanrahar doubled down on their military education in the hopes of creating a new Harimar.
+1 Monarch Military Skill

Expanded Warrior CasteWhile in most harimari nations the warrior caste has a role below the philosopher and administrative caste, in Vanrahar the importance of the warrior caste has been raised above their more intellectually inclined brothers.
-10% Infantry Cost

'I Sad Jahar Bhagera''The Ten Thousand Panthers' is the name of an epic poem about a mythical unit of elite forces that fought many battles under the command of Harimar. They underwent many hardships and losses but always came out on top at the end. Finally the unit was wiped out in a heroic last stand as they stood their ground against an army twenty times their number. Supposedly they broke their enemies despite having been completely destroyed and Harimar considered it a tragic victory, but a victory nonetheless. The tales of their exploits inspire a great number young harimari from Vanrahar to pursue a military career.
+15% National Manpower Modifier

Cruel MastersWhile other harimari adopted a tolerant policy towards their human subjects, in Vanrahar they considered the human castes lower in every sense of the word. They existed purely to feed the economy and war machine of the nation. The taskmasters of Vanrahar were then also not shy in cracking down on any unrest. And they were certainly not afraid to use force.
-20% Harsh Treatment Cost

Adapt to FirearmsWith the adoption of firearm techniques and improved muskets by the rest of the world, the harimari of Vanrahar realised they had to adapt. Though loathe to properly adopt the muskets of other cultures, they instead developed techniques to reduce casualties to both cannon and musket fire. They approached the enemy lines in more spread out formations before converging on the enemy in a rapid charge.
-10% Fire Damage Received


