Vandiphan Ideas

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+15% Marines Force Limit
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

League of the GulfIn 1468 an alliance between Bhuvauri and Gawakhiza was signed in Vandipha for the purposes of combatting piracy in the ringlet sea. Vandipha played an important role, offering its harbor for the use of the allied fleets
+1 Diplomatic Relations

WanderersThe roaming harimari believe that the high temples only display a portion of the wisdom of the gods, and that the rest exists throughout the world, as scraps hidden in the stories of the world. They roam to find the secrets of the High Gods and to record the world's stories.
+2 Tolerance of Heathens

The Great Slave PortAfter the Ringlet Alliance occupied the coasts of Naléni, Vandipha acted as a market for slaves taken from Naléni, who were then taken to Rahen or South Sarhal. The Harimari slave traders of the island took great pride in boasting of the exotic quality of their slaves, many of whom became status symbols as tutors, seneschalsm and other highly placed household servants.
+20% Trade Steering

Philosophy of SarhalDuring the era of the alliance, a large Baashidi community settled in Vandipha, becoming the majority ofthe island's free human population. Many debates took place between High Philosophy and Rinta Seeker’s scholars. The result is a fusion of the two.
+1 Random Candidate Bonus
+1 Monarch Administrative Skill

Life TattoosThe Roaming Harimari decorate their fur with dyes that the tell the stories of their lives, so that if they die, another who recovers their corpse might let their relatives know of their achievements, and so that their story will not go unremembered.
-1% Prestige Decay

Battle of the HornMelakmengi's failed attempt to conquer Vandipha ended with the destruction of the Mengi fleet at the battle of the horn. Vandipha's smaller and seemingly outmatched navy managed to rout the Mengi fleet with a bold charge into boarding action at the center of the Mengi fleet. From the surrended ships of the fleet, Vandipha took thousands of captives and great wealth, including an imperial prince.
+1 Naval Leader Shock

Ruman of the Jeweled ClawRuman of the Jeweled Claw was a Harimari slaver who ruled Vandipha and most of Naléni during the late 17th century. Nominally a vassal of Gawakhiza, Ruman carved an empire for himself out of the shattered tribes of Naléni. During his lifetime, Vandipha was at its most powerful.
-10% Core-Creation Cost

+10% National Sailors Modifier