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Primary Culture

+15% Improve Relations
-15% Land Attrition

Healing WingsCenturies ago, our flight from the Moorhils and encroaching Alenic people forced us to flee north, across the frigid seas into the frozen lands of Gerudia. We found no new home but a warzone as our flock harassed by trollish attack. With nowhere left to flee, we faced certain death. By chance however, we were assisted in combat by a Gerudian warband from the east. In gratitude for this action, we vowed to assist the Gerudiansin their efforts to reclaim the north from both the Trolls and Elkaesal cultists.\n\nOur presence proved pivotal in the battles to come, as early scouting from the skies allowed our joint armies to outmanoeuvre any forces that opposed us. Further, we were able to rescue many injured warriors from certain death, bringing them back to the warcamps to rest and recover from their wounds. So crucial was our flock that even after the reclamation of Olavlund and Dalr was complete, our Gerudian allies continued to lean on us, starting a centuries old tradition. Even now, is is a not uncommon sight for battles along the Olavish coast to be watched by Jarnklo Harpies, looking for those of heroic valour wounded in battle, to rescue them from certain death and bring them to recover in Vængheim.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Gerudian FrontierThe Gerudian Frontier; a frigid and wild stretch of dense and frozen forest, full of riches to be claimed and danger to be bested. It is a land that many covet but few can justly claim. We are amongst those few. It was the Council of Skalds who granted us the right to the lands between the Titan’s Rest and Black Frost Mountains, our just reward for defeating the feared Skollm the Relentless.\n\nThat was centuries ago, in 621 AA. Since then we’ve taken roost in Djupfýri, the former heart of Skollm’s attacks and raids, and slowly expanded outward. Despite all this time, there is still much wealth waiting out in the frozen wastes - furs, gold and perhaps something more…
+15 Global Settler Increase

New Songs, Old SongsHarpies have always been a people of song. Since the ancient days in old Bulwar, we have sung. Our ancestors cried out dirges mourning our first flight into Cannor after the fall of the first Firanyan Queendom. They shouted battle hymns marking our wars against the trolls. And they rang with ballads of how we found our home in the frozen north.\n\nIt is for this reason that when Elkaesal the White fell and the One Eyed Skald began teaching of the magical power of songs and saga to the peoples of Gerudia, for we were quick to take to his teachings.. We were amongst the first to adopt the burgeoning faith, amongst the first to preach about the pacification of Elkaesal through it, amongst the first to bring its capabilities to devastating effect in the field of battle. In doing so we developed a deep relationship with the council of Skalds. To this day there has always been at least one Harpy on the council to commemorate the ties between us.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Roost of Oils and CandlesHarpies do not naturally do well in the bitter cold of Gerudia. Our wings, in particular, are often subject to extreme frostbite. And those who foolishly continue to fly often succumb to hypothermia brought on by the extreme blizzards and biting cold that this region presents. However we are not without solutions. By coating our wings with a layer of oils, we can protect ourselves from the worst of the effects of the freezing climate. This has, over time, developed into a strong industry on developing oil and oil-based products, with Vængheim being a centre of production of scented oils and candles for all of Cannor. Houses from Sornbay to Castonath have been warmed and comforted by the soft and gentle scents that our expertly crafted candles provide.
+10% Production Efficiency

Cold Side of the Titan's RestLife along the Titan’s Rest is not easy, to say the least. We are constantly barraged with bitterly cold winds and snowstorms from the Blackfrost Mountains, and we were the worst hit by the Era of Black Ice, when the frigid winds hit a new low, causing many of the humans to the south to flee to warmer waters. This has, however, provided us with a very useful advantage in the instance of war: our roost, which would already be difficult to lay siege to, is now known across the Giant’s Grave sea as impenetrable, as any attempt to scale it’s sheer cliff wall is exposed to the full and violent effects of the Gerudian weather. Many Dalric and Grombari soldiers have decayed and fallen to the joint assault of both our skilled warriors and the intense cold storms, and many shall yet in the future.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Battle Maidens of GerudiaThe Battle-Maidens of Gerudia, the famous elite unit of warriors that acts as the core of the Vængheimer forces, formed in 584AA. Trained against the most elite of Reavers and warriors and forged in the fire of battle with the fearsome trolls of the north, they are experts in aerial harassment tactics, and can often inflict massive casualties on an attacking force with seeming ease. Utilising the blinding snow-storms of their home region and lightning fast attack patterns of their past as raiders in prior flocks, their prowess and fearsomeness has been known across the Giant’s Grave battlefields for centuries. There is not much more terrifying to a warrior in Gerudia, than seeing this winged legion take flight against them.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Forges of the SkiesDue to our precarious position along the Gerudian Frontier, Vængheimer culture has developed a very militarist tendency. Many harpies and their husbands often maintain their own small forges, to repair their arms and armour privately. This allows for our army to be quickly raised in times of war, and quick to reinforce in case of casualties. This has encouraged many warriors to learn blacksmithing with a strong fervour, as your own ability to repair your wares can literally mean your life and death. Later, during the era of artificery, many of the flock would turn to learning the skills required to augment and outfit their weapons and armour with various tools to assist in both their effectiveness in battle and maintenance.
-20% Recruitment Time

-10% Morale Damage Received


