Vadokizy Ideas

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+10% Burghers Loyalty Equilibrium
+75% Naval Tradition From Trade

The Floating Walls of NosivyFully aware of the vulnerability of their position after losing their sovereignty to the Lordship of Rayafo in 1389, one of the first decrees of the newly reborn Vadoykizy state was the construction of a navy. The general attitude towards the matter is best conveyed by the colloquialisms: "the sea is the great equalizer" and "humans and halflings drown all the same." While certainly morbid, they reflect a paranoia that should invaders ever again land on their islands the war would already be lost and thus war must be fought at sea. As part of its naval building effort, the government awarded generous stipends for the most skilled carpenters and shipwrights. These coveted positions eventually grew into institutionalized guilds unto themselves and produced some of the most skilled craftsmen and woodworkers in all of Sarhal. The guild’s work was so fine, the hulls of the ships so durable, that the Vadoykizy navy soon earned the nickname "the floating walls of Nosivy."
+10% Ship Durability

The Day of GiftsOn the last full moon of each year, all of Nosivy is aglow with enthusiasm for The Day of Gifts. This tradition dates back to the first dry season of Lady Firita’s exodus, when an unexpected great deluge hit the islands. In the face of great winds and torrential rain, the many exiled families put aside their differences and worked together to exchange supplies and take care of each other. By banding together, they weathered the storm, a fate unlikely had they held onto their differences from before the exodus. These days, we honor their bravery and sacrifices by feasting with our neighbors, giving to the needy, and forgiving debts and grievances.
-0.25 Interest Per Annum
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

Tsejinjin EnshrinedThe Vadoykizy concept of "Tsejinjin" is one difficult for many outsiders to fully adopt. While early visitors interpreted it as Camirianism, more recent translations are closer to "radical pragmatism." A philosophy borne of a society from deviants, petty criminals, and the besmirched, Tsejinjin encourages one to place strategic value over sentimentality. While many visitors to the island might initially find this attitude cold and apathetic, it is also a tradition that discourages grudges and instead embraces a "live and let live" attitude towards past grievances. By officially incorporating this attitude into the machinations of the state, the Vadoykizy bureaucracy managed to be consistently incredibly efficient for the limited resources it had.
-10% Advisor Cost

Sailor, Soldier, SpyWith a small pool of manpower available to draw from as a small island nation, Vadoykizy relies heavily on volunteer reservists to make up the backbone of their military. The fundamental regimen begins with basic formation and firearm training before moving on to basic naval training. Not only does this system ensure that during times of war, mobilizing defenses is faster, but we can also use this time to instill in reservists a patriotic duty to share rumors of possible threats to Vadoykizy as they work among other sailors and buccaneers during times of peace.
+33% Marines Force Limit
-10% Spy Action Cost Modifier

Emerald in the RoughWhen a motley caravan landed on Nosivy in 1249 with the dreams of building a better life, their leader was a firebrand of a halfling, Lady Firita Angalrivoni. A political critic focused on amnesty and judicial reform, her brazen attitude and biting critique of the inequalities of the system won her the support of a sizable number of followers, largely consisting of past criminals, deviants, and other social outcasts — many of whom would go on to follow her to their new island home when Firita driven into exile by the Rayafo elite.\n\nDespite the often ramshackle nature of their new city, Firita always saw the best in it, lovingly naming it her "emerald in the rough." On the frequent cold long nights of toil that came with establishing a new home, she would speak wistfully about a future she saw where Nosivy would become the "jewel of Fahvanosy." While she might not have lived to see her dream come true, the title of "emerald in the rough" is one still worn with pride by citizens to this day.\n\nLet us prove to the world that we are rough no longer, and that we are instead Firita’s shining emerald!
-10% Construction Cost

Backdoor to FahvanosyNosivy’s position makes it a perfect entrepot for goods to move between the Summer Isles and the mainland, but we are not in a position to be particularly picky about the legality of what moves through our port. Many of our neighboring countries have expressed… concerns about how this policy undercuts their mercantilist efforts, but a new intellectual theory of "free trade" has captured the imagination of our merchant class. Our promotion of these ideas helps legitimise our laissez- faire attitudes both domestically and abroad.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Tale of the Dead Parrot SocietyWhile the actual group’s existence is hotly contested, legend tells of a secret circle of undying Vadoykizy privateer captains known as the Dead Parrot Society. The story goes that they began as a particularly vicious crew known for leaving ships alight after plundering them to ensure everyone on board drowned. Their cruelty eventually incurred the wrath of our patron goddess Jyva, and they were cursed to ever sail the sea in search for enough riches to outweigh the sins in their heart. No matter how many times they returned with crates of gold and spices the scales never seemed to weigh in their favor, for in her cunning Jyva knew that they would never be able to gather the riches needed without committing more sin. Regardless of the legend’s veracity, however, many a sailor swears that on a particularly cold still night, they have seen two ships on the horizon — one burning like a candle in the night, and the other a ghostly silhouette that quickly dipped into the dark. It is this legend that inspired our flag, and its sense of mystery and adventure forever guides each Vadoykizy heart.
+10% Sailor Recovery Speed
-5% Shock Damage Received

+1 Yearly Devotion+1 Yearly Horde Unity+1 Yearly Legitimacy+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition