Uwakilan Ideas

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-20% Mercenary Cost
+25% Spy Network Construction

The First OnesOur relationship with the Merfolk began with the tale of Baashi. More than a millenia ago, the progenitor of the Baashidi united thousands of peoples against the monstrous Qeyikul. With the beasts drawing near, he turned to escape by sea. Unfortunately, there were few resources to construct boats, and little knowledge of how to navigate the waters. In his desperation, he looked towards strange bubbling under the water that no man amongst him could comprehend, finding the merfolk. In what is now known to be the first contact between the worlds above and below, Baashi called upon the merfolk for assistance in saving his people. \n\nNow, in the present, Uwakila Baashi is known to have the strongest relationship with the merfolk amongst the Baashidi. They have taught us so much, and we have gone from dreaming on the shores to living a seafaring reality. We continue forth in unison, the first to have met the merfolk, and the first to have met the humans!
+20% National Sailors Modifier

Fortress Of The Victorious…is what the Hisguleh is. Towering over the slums and as large as the city skyline, the Hisguleh is the peak of architecture on Uwakila Baashi. Constructed in the latter era of the Djinnakah Vizierate, it stands as a memorial to those who perished in combat against the Tanizu. \n\nThroughout time, the Hisguleh continued to gain more importance. As a fortress, it defended Uwakila Baashi against the Lizardfolk Invasion of 490 for ten years. As a memorial, it came to honor all Baashidi who have died and could not be found. From the War of Culture to the Millenium War, and even during the Dagafita, nameless bodies of Baashidi origin were brought to the Hisguleh so that they might be buried. Those whose bodies could not be found were honored in spirit through ceremonies within the walls of the fortress. \n\nThe Hisguleh inspires devotion amongst those in Uwakila Baashi to serve their country. Whether they aim to be soldier or advisor, they will aim to be as honorable as those who are commemorated here, knowing that they may be lost to war, the bravest sacrifice.
+1 Possible Advisors
+5% Mercenary Discipline

Baashidi BankingThe people of Uwakila are skilled on boats, but have often lacked in our trading abilities. We lack proper trading institutions that many of the Baashidi have commonplace, and our navy’s destruction during the War Of Culture truly decimated the little share of trade that we had. \n\nIf there is one thing that our people are good at though, it's managing money. Uwakilans are known for their accounting and management skills, especially when it comes to profits and declines.\n\nUltimately, when Cannorians came around and introduced their own form of currency and banking, Uwakilan bankers had what could be called their own Golden Age of banking, with profits rising to an astounding height. Uwakilan merchants could even be found amongst the courts of Cannorian kings, and conversing with other bankers in Crothán. Thus, despite our lack of what is common amongst the Baashidi, we have been able to find strengths elsewhere.
+0.1 Yearly Inflation Reduction

Out With The SlumsUwakila Baashi is ruled by slums. This is an undeniable fact.\n\nOutside of a few select parts of the city, Baashi’s original settlement has degenerated into an endless expanse of shanties. This hasn’t been helped by the multiple encroachments upon our isle within the past two millennia, constantly destroying major parts of our island. This came to a head during the War of Culture, where our navy was completely obliterated. Not even rowboats remained. Food was cut off from the island, and the city devolved from what was once a beautiful city into a sickly warren of rampant disease and starving families. The beautiful buildings were demolished or taken over by refugees of destruction. The streets of marble became dustied and mudded. The once flourishing gardens soon wilted and overgrew with weeds.\n\nWith the rise of the Dasr Sharaf, profits have once again entered our island. With assistance from Qabiika Baddabi, we push to remove the slums once and for all. They are a sign of decadence, of great fall from what was once paradise. Now that we are back on our feet, we must make our city beautiful again!
-10% Development Cost

History Of The Uwakilan Navy"It got destroyed again?"\n\n"Yeah…"\n\n"So you are telling me that they destroyed all our ships while we were sleeping, and we have no actual navy to defend ourselves?"\n\n"Yeah…"\n\n"Do we have rowboats?"\n\n"Yeah…"\n\n"Send those out. The reason we lost all those ships is because we didn’t have men on them. One Uwakilan on a beden can take care of ten warships. Our navy men wouldn’t even shudder at the sight of an enemy armada!"\n\n"This sounds-"\n\n"Have some confidence for once in your life! We’ve been doing this sort of thing for hundreds of years!"
+10% Marines Force Limit

Baashidi Center Of ArtificeryThe introduction of Artificery to the Baashidi came through Cannorians arriving at our ports to trade goods. They showed our peoples various different technologies that we had never seen before, combining magic and machinery to form a new amalgamation. As students of the world, we welcomed this new study with open arms. We began to learn of the inner working of artifcery, studying its gears and implications to our work. Some used it to develop weapons like the Cannorians, while others used it to help improve the quality of life amongst the slums of our city. Ultimately, the most prominent use of artificery remained to assist the Baashidi in the studies of the world. Telescopes were constructed to observe far into the night sky, microscopes to observe the smallest intricacies and crevices, tools to summon noise and vision, and tools that were able to construct new materials out of air. Unlike in Cannor, the discussion surrounding artificery was much calmer: Darwiiz and Mwalim were able to find compromise as leads of the study into artificery. While there still remain some conflicts in discussion or usage, the rise of Baashidi Artificery has been grandiose, and its usage has been felt the most in our island.
+10% Artificers Loyalty Equilibrium

Guryadagga TiesAs the first to have left the Djinnakah Vizierate, we are the closest relatives of the Guryadagga of the Jasiir Doog. Trade between our peoples is frequent, and cultural exchange occurs on a daily basis. This is despite the Guryadagga following the old Habab Zar faith. The conflict between Rinta Seekers & Habab Zar is great, as their worldviews are at profound odds with one another. between each other based upon how the world should be seen. The preachers of Rinta Seekers amongst the Baashidi see the world in a more practical light, to be understood through seeking knowledge, while those who practice the Habab Zar faith see the world through a more mystical lens. Ultimately, the preachers of the Baashidi have continually tried to convert the Guryadagga to no avail, and their missionary efforts have always devolved into violence.\n\nWe Uwakilans, on the other hand, remain some of the only peoples who have not forced their ideals upon the Guryadaggans, and have even been able to convert many of the tribes in the southern Jasiir Doog. Thus, Uwakilans have learned to be kind to those who share different beliefs, hoping to maintain peace in favor of conflict over religion and ideals.
+1 Tolerance of Heathens

+0.25 Artillery Fire