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Primary Culture

-15% Construction Time
+15% Reinforce Speed

On the Ruins of VaokanurFor most of their history, the foothills of the Katalmarai were populated by scores of minor "city" states, often little more than fortified towns. Farming grain and herding sheep or kotakompu, they largely preferred to fight amongst themselves, naturally often falling under the influence of a larger, more ambitious warlord or city – the city of Vaokanur ("the middle road") paramount among them. Situated south of Uesrennu, it was once an extremely important city in the lower Kalavend, serving as the capital of several local warlord kingdoms.\n\nThough the city reached the apex of its power in the years after the fall of Yodhan, it would conquer great swathes of the Kalavend on various occasions after that, often capitalising on the collapse of an empire or other great state. Bellicose and cruel, the warlords of Vaokanur were often feared, but that did not stop the city from being razed to the ground in the war against Kadradar the Stormbringer. While it would be rebuilt soon after the war’s end, it would not survive the subsequent Chendhyan invasions. Today, the once proud city of Vaokanur is little more than a walled town within the influence of the Uesrenni, who still call back to its legacy – while the rest of the Kalavendhi still remembers its strength.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

Crack of the Whip, Crack of the RockThe various terrace-farming village-cities along the Katalmarai, though numerous and populous, were generally seen as the backwater of the Kalavend, variously dismissed as irrelevant actors or as the mere weight behind Vaokanur’s sword. Most empires who came into possession of the area saw little need to do more than collect tax and tribute, and though the lapis of Caiaymkq was highly prized, no warlord made any serious attempt to invest in the city that produced it. The Second Gophiran Empire was different.\n\nSeeing the potential beneath the mountains – not just on their slopes – over their century of rule, they poured hundreds of thousands of slaves into the Katalmarai, the crack of the whip building, exploiting and expanding upon the subterranean wealth of the area. Nowhere benefited more from this than Uesrennu, which went from a small village at the entrance to a cavern to a massive subterranean city, with mines and tunnels snaking deep into the mountains. The lords of this city have not forgotten their origins, with thousands of slaves from across Andeios entering the mines of the Aryakompu every year.
-10% Construction Cost

One Dhavana, Five Hundred QueensThe Kotakompu – rodents the size of small wolves, with sickle-tusk teeth, acute senses, hulking bodies and sparse hair – are well known throughout Taychend. Hunted for sport or meat, raised for war or for their usefulness in mining, they have become one of the most commonly domesticated animals in the regions below Taychend, aided by their uniquely social nature, organised as they are into "queendoms", with the breeding Kotakompu queens being supported by workers and soldiers. Breeders and trainers must maintain a good relationship with these queens, placating them with food and good conditions – if satisfied enough, these domesticated queens will willingly give up part of their own offspring.\n\nAlready accustomed to the practice of raising these animals before the Gophiran expansion, it was only natural that the people of Uesrennu would use them in the depths of the Katalmarai – what was not expected was the extent to which they would come to partner with them. With hundreds of domesticated queens under their control, Uesrennu would gain its independence in the waning days of the Gophiran Empire through the strength of their war-kotakompu, many thousands in number, and they have treasured the beasts as companions and kindred spirits ever since.
+10% Shock Damage
+10% Siege Ability

The Colour of EnchantmentIn Andeios, lapis lazuli is found only beneath the town of Caiyamkq, situated at the foothills of the Vintukkamarai – the untaken mountain – a large mountain that blocks the passage to the Effelai. When ground into a fine powder, Lapis produces the most brilliant blue pigment outside the Kaydano – a substance known to the Taychendi as Ennunym (literally "mined-blue"), but to Cannorians as Ultramarine. Highly prized throughout Taychend for its aesthetic properties, it also seems to have the magical quality of quite literally exuding an "enchanting" effect on those who look upon it – all the more reason for the expense the Taychendi go to procure it. Though it is unknown what gives Ennunym this quality, it is suspected that some source of magical power within Vintukkamarai is the culprit – and given the ever expanding mining operations beneath it, it is likely that one day that source may be uncovered.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Kings of the KompuThe founder of the Aryakompu, Varamzhil the Copper-Born-Biter, was the most successful Kotakompu trainer in Uesrennu, speaking to his domesticated queens as if they were his own kin. On the backs of thousands of these beasts, he overthrew the Gophiran garrison, feeding their bodies – even the ones still moving – to those who were so deserving. The Aryakompu do not just rule over the Kompu, they were born with them, moulded by them. They match the ferocity of the most dangerous of their war-kompu, the pride and purpose of the most regal queens, and the diligence and perception of the most adept workers. Off the back of this strength, the Aryakompu have won countless victories, from their defiance of Nanru Nakar to the creation of a sizable kingdom beyond their native foothills in the mid 1300s. Needless to say, his descendants live up their founder’s reputation wholeheartedly – a reputation for bestial cruelty and ferocity that is known throughout Taychend.
+1 Land Leader Shock

Heart of Oren's FaithfulVherenar Freesword is a name known throughout Taychend, from the chattel cages of Clemetar to the mines of Uesrennu. The slavers’ bane, Vherenar fought, killed and liberated across Taychend, holding fast to his belief in the Elusive Ones of his homeland, Ahartadyam, whom he believed would one day return to free the people of Taychend from slavery. He founded an organisation – that would quickly become the Cult of Vherenar after his death – dedicated to guarding and cultivating that flame of hope, despite relentless persecution by the slaver powers of Taychend.\n\nWhen the Sun Elves arrived in South Aelantir, and whispers emerged of their beliefs in the banishment of darkness and the emancipation of slaves, the Cult of Vherenar heard all they needed. It was clear that Surael – the Oren Nayiru, or One Sun – was the last of the Elusive Ones, and that the arrival of the Sun Elves would herald in the long awaited transformation of the world – even if, as the Scouring of Katelperai proved, they would not be the agents of that change. The Oren Nayiru stronghold in the depths of Uesrennu would prove to be the beating heart of the faith, with the edicts proclaimed by the Kavalali, a class of warrior priests usually translated as "watchmen", shaping and guiding the ever-expanding movement in the 1500s.
+2% Missionary Strength

Unbreakable SpiritWhen Elrandar Silverspite, wielder of the legendary armour of Yodhan, addressed an unprecedented meeting of Kavalali from across Taychend calling for the beginning of a grand uprising to depose the warlords and Kheionai colonisers oppressing them, those from Uesrennu were among his most fervent supporters. To them, the newly-appointed "Kamrayakval" (Grand Sentinel in common) represented the culmination of a century of struggle – the imminent end of the old order. They were wrong, and millions of Taychendi paid the price. After the Kamrayakval’s death, and the collapse of his armies, the forces of darkness descended on Uesrennu. Much of the population were killed, most of the rest enslaved, subject to all manner of brutality and cruelty. But the spirit of the people did not break, did not falter. Even centuries afterwards, the Oren Nayiru would remain strong in the shadow of the Katalmarai, its faithful always ready to rise once more and spread the light of Oren to Taychend and beyond.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

+10% Production Efficiency


