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Primary Culture

-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay
-10% Infantry Cost

Right In The MiddleAlmost 200 years ago in the midst of the chaos that followed the fall of the Phoenix Empire, the Lords of Udapana sent emissaries to the south, to the lands of the Xiaken. The message offered was clear: Udapana had for too long been subjugated by the other powers of North Rahen, Udapana would adopt the righteous path in exchange for their protection.\n\nUnfortunately, this alliance was not enough to stop the subjugation of Udapana by Sir only a few decades later—a trend that was repeated over and over in our history. With the region being passed back and forth between regional powers as part of their imperial connections.\n\nBut our constant struggle against Sir for our independence has taught us something: it taught us about how those with power view politics, how to get deals done, and how to back out of them quickly if necessary. From Xianjie, to Sir, to the rest of Rahen, Udapana has been subjugated by them all. But that gives us ties, and opportunities.
+20% Caravan Power
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Our Forest, Our UdapanaUdapana is not a rich land by any means. Covered by forests and with no rivers running through it, the people of Udapana have long had to make do with meager natural bounties. Hardwood is harvested where it is abundant, and agricultural products are produced everywhere else. So why then, is this land fought over again and again? Why, at every chance, does Sir attempt to bring Udapana under its wing?\n\nSitting directly north-east of the Oracular Mountain of Tughayasa, Udapana sits at a crossroads of regions. With The Xianjie to the south, the historically powerful city of Sir to the north-west, Udapana is in the center of it all. With the exception of Sir itself, Udapana is the gateway where the mighty Yanhe flows from Rahen into the Yanshe. Any power who controls Sir—but not Udapana is vulnerable to attack and the Xiaken see it as a buffer against northern invaders. So despite a lack of all natural wealth, Udapana is still fought over time and time again by the greater rulers of the region.\n\nSo time and time again, the people of Udapana suffer the costs of war. So they rebuild, time and time again, living off what they have, hoping for a better future.
+1 Attrition for Enemies
+10% Production Efficiency

Pushing Back The DarkOne of the darker sides to our vassalage under Sir has been our once-lord's association with the lefthand path. While rarely dominated by it, the malevolent spirits that the Lefthand Path venerates have long had influence within Sir, and so too did the Oni of the Demon Hills. It is our responsibility to push back these spirits, as well as the lethargic academics of the High Philosophy who have let these evils fester under their noses. Our call to action shall not be ignored, and with our Xiaken brothers, we will push back the darkness that threatens our lands, and free those around us from the corruption of these wicked spirits and their Oni servants.
+2% Missionary Strength
+5% Morale of Armies

A Song Sung QuietlyThe Bloodsong Orcs: Enslaved by the hobgoblins within the Serpentspine, the Bloodsong were a clan of ferocious warriors who brought death and destruction to the lands they rampaged through, while their mighty warhorns blared the song of conquest. Brought to Rahen during the invasion of Shamakhad, the Bloodsong were settled in the forests of Udapana and many remained there even after the Command expanded their conquests. The intermixing of the orcish newcomers with the native Raheni produced the first Bhoorakama, the half-orcs, who were raised on the songs of the orcs and the philosophies of the Raheni.\n\nWhen the Laws of Ninun—decrees of cultural homogeneity—were enacted, the Bhoorakama did not neatly fall into any of the categories of Wuhyun expected by the hobgoblins. Falling through the administrative cracks, the Bhoorakama developed isolated communities that continued to practice syncretized versions of their parents’ beliefs with hobgoblin lessons of honor. These practices, combined with Udapana’s status as a general backwater, saw a preservation of color and a unique cultural blend form in Udapana, unseen anywhere else in The Command.
+15% National Manpower Modifier
+5% Goods Produced Modifier

An Evolving ArmyAs the Bloodsong tribe that populated Udapana for many years left its mark on the land, their martial traditions were added to a long line of military influences in our culture. Despite rarely having an independent military force of our own, our proximity to various warrior civilizations has given us a unique perspective on warfare. This mishmash of military influences found the perfect pot in which to stew in the form of the Bhoorakama, who took to heart all the military lessons available to them. Drawing from the martial arts traditions of the Xiaken, the rigorous discipline The Command, the shock tactics of the Bianfang armies, and being some of the very first within The Command to use Yansheni firearms, Udapana's Bhoorakama soldiers became a small but very important part of The Command's armies, deployed when hard points in the enemy line needed to be broken and taken with thunderous force.
+15% Land Fire Damage
+5% Morale Damage

The Necessary ReformsAfter The Command conquered Udapana, the region shifted between many different governorates; the most consequential of these was the rule of Toko Lionborn. Appointed governor of Udapana in 1642, Toko was an advocate for decentralization and local governance, and was the first of the governors of Udapana to embrace the Bhoorakama as a tool of governance. Functioning as a parallel society to mainline hobgoblin rule, Lionborn saw in the half-orcs an opportunity to put his ideals to work.\n\nToko’s edicts, called "The Necessary Reforms", reorganized the Bhoorakama towns and villages into administrative units based on population, and had many Bhoorakama notables sit with him as equals and advisors. A form of limited local rule was implemented, where Lion Command officers would work in tandem with Bhoorakama leaders to muster troops, perform public works, and plan economic policy. Toko Lionborn’s governance of Udapana was long and successful, and popularized the ideas of decentralization and further cooperation between the commands in the central hierarchy. While his work was shunned during the chaos of the Great Insubordination as being indicative of subversive tendencies, his ideas are regarded by later scholars as critical to the development of the Wuhyun states.
+15% Monthly Reform Progress Modifier
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

United In UdapanaAs Udapana evolved under the thumb of The Command, the importance of the Bhoorakama only grew. From the sons and daughters of the Bloodsong clan, the Bhoorakama grew to be essential parts of our regional governance, economy, and armed forces. Slowly, through cultural evolution, intermarriage, and migration trends, the heartlands of Udapana became Bhoorakama strongholds, even making up the majority of the population in many places. With the changing times, we have proudly become a multi-racial society under The Command’s principles of honor and duty, with half-orcs, humans, harimari, and others living side by side. For all the craving of the first Bloodsong to return to their home in the Serpentspine, those who came after them found a new home and made it their own. The aftermath of the Rending of Realms and the splintering of the Great Command saw the Bhoorakama of Udapana and Sir emerge as leading players in the dramas of the Great Insubordination and the wars that would follow.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures
-25% Promote Culture Cost


