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Primary Culture

+20% Improve Relations
+15% Production Efficiency

Taste of DeprivationFollowing the tragic fall of Aul-Dwarov's western government, the Eastern Dwarovar remained relatively intact, ruled from the Hold of Grônstunad. Despite avoiding the worst of the collapse, the eastern holds had suddenly lost their primary source of food with the west. To stave off imminent starvation, the Emerald Dwarves utilised every edible scrap, every fungus bulb, and every dreadful beast’s carcass. It was along this path of deprivation that Tuwad-Dhûmankon developed a unique branch of the culinary arts, born of asceticism and continuously improved upon until the exotic tastes and textures of the surface could be perfectly mimicked with locally-sourced ingredients.
-15% Land Maintenance Modifier

Pleasure of the MassesThe fine line between the masses and nobility held true in the pristine hold, however the elegantly refined yet robustly simple culinary traditions of Tuwad-Dhûmankon have brought into being a well-fed lower class who indulge in the uncommon pleasures of life. full bellies, cultivated palates, and decadent bliss. The nobility of Rahen can only look on in envy as the common Emerald Dwarf consumes mouth-watering dishes unheard of on the surface. Even in the turbulent times of the fall of Aul-Dwarov did the Emerald Dwarves enjoy their blissful ignorance, enjoying their pleasures in a time of war and devastation.
-2 National Unrest

The City Must Never SleepDwarves of the Jade Mines knew all too well how the old holds fell: like a whisper, with the lights flickering off in the distance with no chance to save them. The Emerald Dwarves were wholly obsessed with ensuring the same fate did not befall Tuwad-Dhûmankon, launching constant patrols, constructing subterranean lighthouses, and perhaps the most erratic of all: ensuring the lights stayed on at all times of day and night. The never-ending crusade against the perpetual dark of the Dwarovar thus ensued, encapsulated in the ever-persisting mantra: "The City Must Never Sleep." For if the lights fade to black, there was a chance they may never have turned back on.\n\nHow right they were.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

Bounty of the Emerald SunsThe gardens of Tuwad-Dhûmankon were legendary in their own right, but large-scale agriculture such as this required careful planning, prowess, and most importantly an ample supply of light. Emerald Sunstones were the solution to underground agriculture in Tuwad-Dhûmankon, brilliant green gems that coursed with artificial sunlight with which to grow crops. These emerald suns were deceptive stones, their green-tinged hues vanishing the moment they were activated, emitting a wide variety of different coloured lights.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

The Culinary SportsThe work of a chef in the emerald hold is markedly unique. What is considered a noble profession on the surface has become a competitive sport in Tuwad-Dhûmankon. The culinary sports, though exclusive to the top chefs of the hold, are regularly held in the form of entertainment for foreign diplomats and emissaries, to whom the products of the tournament are often offered as a form of hospitality. It is in this way that talented chefs achieve fame, fortune, and favour throughout both the Eastern Dwarovar and parts of Rahen.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Calcite IrrigationFarming anything other than fungus and serpentbloom on a large scale in the Serpentspine requires an extremely specific set of circumstances to be feasible in any capacity. Despite the relative abundance provided by the northwestern caverns, Serpentspine agriculture is barely enough to feed a single hold, let alone an entire empire. Natural groundwater streams bring risk of flooding, and sunlight is only present in secluded grottos, or worse, treacherous earth-splitting ravines. In the face of these difficulties, we have managed to succeed where most others failed, relying on the natural membrane of porous calcite that conveniently lines the ceiling of much of the western Jade Mines. Mountain runoff filters through rock and stone, leaving naught but the pure liquid of life, and in enough quantity to facilitate large-scale crop irrigation. This, combined with the Emerald Sunstones oft utilised, allows us to cultivate a myriad of surface crops that provide better yields, and more importantly, better tastes than the typical serpentbloom.
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

Heroic HeraldryWith the many great dwarven clans all across the Dwarovar, each bore iconic heraldries to represent their house and accomplishments of their ancestors. The majority of designs and heraldries came from artisans of Tuwad-Dhûmankon who relished creating a myriad of extravagant patterns for the nobility of their hold and the richest clans of Aul-Dwarov. From banners which decorated large swathes of every hold to the garments of nobles and soldiers, the designs of the Emerald Dwarves spun far and wide. In the most devastating period of monstrous invasions in the Dwarovar, the standards of all the surviving clans would still remain, displaying the old clans and their legacy, with their promise to fight to the last dwarf and protect their way of life.
+1 Monthly Splendour
+0.5 Yearly Prestige

-10% Morale Damage Received


