Tughayasan Ideas

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+1 Monarch Diplomatic Skill
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

The Prophecy GuardThe Order itself is not militant, however it needs a strong arm to take care of its protection. For that the Prophecy Guard was created as a professional branch of armed monks that did the Order's bloody business in times of strife.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
+3% Discipline

DedicationsBribery is an addiction for the wealthy and powerful. So it is an addiction that permeates their interactions with the Order too. Many an extension to the Order's Complex have been financed by wealthy merchants or kings looking for a favourable outcome to their prophecy, all the while not understanding that the future doesn't care about their money.
-10% Development Cost

Augur's EyesWhile the Order on mount Tughayasa has its arcane and spiritual means of predicting the future, it did also benefit from a wide network of agents all over Haless. These so called 'Augur's Eyes' were careful to listen and see what news might be afoot that would aid in the making of more mundane prophecies.
-50% Covert Action Relation Impact
+25% Spy Network Construction

Visitors From All OverMount Tughayasa is the cultural heart of Haless. Visitors come from all over to visit the Augurs. That means that a steady stream of communication can be maintained through the travellers passing through the Order's lands. Consequently the Order is able to maintain many strong political relations.
+2 Diplomatic Relations

Students of the TruthThe libraries and minds atop mount Tughayasa hold many secrets and generations of knowledge. This has attracted all sorts of bright minds from all over Haless who offer their services to the Order in the hopes of gaining some insight in the truth of the world.
+2 Possible Advisors

Protecting the OrderBecause of the cultural importance of the Order to Haless, many have come and volunteered to join the ranks of the Prophecy Guard, this reinforced their ranks of professionals with an enthusiasm and zeal that permeates those who fight for the ability to see the future.
+10% Fort Defence
+10% Morale of Armies

Monastery TithesThe disparate monasteries that function as outposts of the Order have come to control large swathes of land over the centuries. In order to support the less fertile lands around mount Tughayasa, they each pay a tithe in the form of grain, rice or coin to support and sustain the great monastery on the mountain.
+33% Income from Vassals

+2 Diplomatic Reputation