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Primary Culture

+15% Movement Speed
+10% Production Efficiency

The Wanderers of MaruthaThe Marutha desert is the geographic center of Rahen, but in most other ways it is ignored. When a Cannorian merchant or Yansheni scholar thinks of the sub-continent, they think of a lavish jungle or an opulent city, not of an arid, scorching, desert. The Tudhina, however, embrace the desert.\n\nMany shepherds include the desert as part of their wandering, and they believe their flocks are made hearty by its sand and heat. But most notable is the coming-of-age ritual every male and female Tudhinai goes through at age sixteen: they must spend three days alone in the desert, with only a single waterskin and a loincloth. A few of every generation perish, but for the most part, each emerges newly forged by the desert heat — and knowing it like an old friend.
-20% Land Attrition

The Jungle's OppositeMany harimari are most comfortable in the humid, verdant, jungles of ascension, where their very race first came into being. Others find themselves most at home in bustling city (especially in their most lavish of palaces). But a few harimari reject both, finding the humidity bad for their fur, and the chaos of city-life overwhelming to their keen senses.\n\nSuch harimari often find their way to Tudhina, which has for centuries embraced them in turn. The arid heat, the pastoral lifestyle, the fiercely loyal people — these may seem anathema to most harimari, but for a handful, it is perfect.
-5% Idea Cost
+5% Shock Damage

A Feast Fit for a HarimariDuring Harimar the Great's conquest of Rahen, he perceived his opposition with many senses. His keen eyes could count the number of spears arrayed against him, his ears could hear the war-horns blow from leagues away. But when he came to Tudhina, it was his nose that proved most salient.\n\nFor rather than resisting Harimar, the Tudhinai welcomed him with a great feast, slaughtering their finest cattle and arranging a massive banquet to welcome the great conqueror. Ever since, the Tudhinai have continued this tradition, inviting the Raj once a decade to indulge in a feast of harimari proportions. Their hospitality has long won Tudhina an out-sized voice in the Lotus Court, well exceeding their nominal status as a minor prabhi.
+20% Improve Relations

The Many Uses of DungWhen most outsiders see the vast herds of the Tudhinai, they see milk and meat in vast quantities. The more perceptive might appreciate the value of cowhide for leather, opportunities in the alchemy that uses brain or heart. But only a true Tudhinai appreciates one of the most important outputs of their animals: excrement.\n\nThe dung is a powerful fertilizer, turning the arid land at least somewhat arable, and by the 17th century, it was even being exported to Rahen's burgeoning cotton and indigo fields. It is also the Tudhinai's traditional fuel source, a clean flame perfect for roasting meat over, and burning strong against the night's chill.
-5% Development Cost
+20% National Supply Limit Modifier

The Beef-Eaters' BrigadeThe Ruin Kingdoms' valiant, doomed, defense against the Command's inexorable conquest lasted decades. And among the many forces rallied against the hobgoblins, one of the most distinctive was a single brigade of Tudhinai, who had crossed the Marutha to join the war effort for unclear reasons. They brought with them two particular things of import: a vast amount of beef jerky which they stubbornly refused to share with their brothers-in-arms, and a surprisingly fierce fighting spirit.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

A Shadow on the SunIn the late 15th century, following early conquests in Bulwar, Jaddar and his people set their sights on Rahen. From winning over the allegiance of many Ghankedheni, to divvying up the coast with the Bhuvauri, to trampling resistance underneath their desert steeds' fearsome hooves, few could stand before them. But although they were not heavy-handed in their rule, and sought to win over the populace with lavish festivals and generous policies, the Tudhinai chafed nonetheless.\n\nRooted in the Unbroken Claw school's long-standing grudge with the Radiant Sun, the shepherds were often late in their taxes, only paid lip service to Jadd rituals, and nigh-refused to join its legions. When the Deioderan came, tearing the Jadd Empire apart, they were some of the first to rebel against the East Jadd Empire — and the Nahana Jadd would never reconquer them.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Ghankedhen ExilesNowhere in Rahen embraced the industrialization of the 18th century with the fervor of Ghankedhen. Over the course of only a few decades, with the help of dwarven engineers and a few Cannorian artificers, pastures and farmland were largely replaced by factory and foundry. But a few families in the region found the smoke-filled skies of West Rahen to be anathema to the skies they knew, the skies they had lived under for generations. These outcast Ghankedheni often found a new home just east, in Tudhina, where they could continue their pastoral way of life among a new people, and forge new families together with them.
+15% National Manpower Modifier
+50% Chance of New Heir

-10% Infantry Cost


