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Primary Culture

+10% Morale of Armies
+15% Movement Speed

Lurkers of the SavannaThe Tsidarok were part of the branch of tribes who went into the wooded savanna, unlike their cousins who kept to the treeless steppe. In the savanna they did not find sleek cheetahs, as did their brethren, but instead powerful jaguars who could navigate trees with no delay, and, unlike smaller mounts, the jaguars could help with carrying more supplies than usual.
+20% Cavalry Combat Ability
+25% National Supply Limit Modifier

United by GoldThe Tsidarok are a relatively newly formed tribe, created when a gold mine was first found by multiple tribes and fought over endlessly due to its vast untouched veins. For decades it seemed no tribe would come out on top, until a Chendhyan rider named Tomiri came and worked out an agreement to unite the strongest tribes and limit the gold distribution to themselves. On that day the Tsidarok were formed, with an eagle on a golden flag symbolizing Tomiri's unification and monopoly over how the gold is used.
+25% Female Advisor Chance
+0.1 Yearly Inflation Reduction

The Maturity HuntWhen a Tsidarok child turns 16, they are sent with only a bow into the grasslands. Their goal is to hunt down a jaguar, skin it, and return home without a scratch and with a new pelt. This ancient tradition dates back centuries ago and is used to turn a Chendhyan child into a recognized adult.
-1% Prestige Decay

Expert GoldsmithsDue to the ready availability of gold, Tsidarok riders have a unique look among other Chendhyan tribes - they often are fully adorned in gold, from piercings to necklaces.. The Tsidarok have met the demand for these pieces by becoming proficient goldsmiths, and sometimes even trade with the nearby Taychendi people for some needed goods.
+10% Production Efficiency

Syncretism of the Taychendi WayNaturally the Chendhyans who come from Taychend have some similar lifestyles and customs, with the greatest similarity being that might makes right. The Tsidarok, being closest to Taychend, attempt to unite both of these warlike cultures to establish themselves as rightful conquerors, whether they are invading leaderless tribes or Taychendi warlords.
-15% Province War Score Cost

Pierce Through AdversityA famous saying by the riders of Tsidarok, who have a unique idea of cavalry warfare unlike many of the other tribes. Instead of quick hit and run tactics adopted by most others, the Tsidarok believe that one should not be a coward and show their backs to the enemy. Instead, with their thick protective tunics, they charge directly at the enemy in a single devastating wave.
+8% Shock Damage
-8% Shock Damage Received

The Forefront of Cultural ExchangeUnlike the reclusive Durasyar tribe and the Kheionai bootlicks of the Kaeorg, the Tsidarok stand next to a region filled with many different cultures without being exposed to only one nation. With Ameion to the south bringing in philosophy and Larankar bringing in martial traditions, Tsidarok is able to pick and choose their best aspects to make their own culture ever greater.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

+10% Manpower Recovery Speed


