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Primary Culture

+15% Movement Speed
+15% Spy Network Construction

Survival in the EgasachA land of extremes: from the scattered woodlands at the edge of the Domandrod, to the arid and barren rocky desert of Egasach, the Trimgarb Peitar have had to survive in perhaps the most inhospitable region of Eordand. Even in the woodlands, food is relatively scarce, and agriculture is not ideal. Temperatures range in the extreme between dusk and dawn, from freezing cold to blistering hot conditions. The plentiful rains that feed the rest of Eordand are not seen here, only a paltry imitation that falls by the mountains to the east.\n\nDespite these hardships, the Trimgarb have survived by learning the secrets of the land, such as the hidden dew protected by the mountain's shadows.
-15% Land Attrition

SummersbaneTrimgarb was once held captive by the imposing fortress of Serakriok, built by the summer-loving peddlers of Murdkather in a vain attempt to stop us from aiding our Sidpari allies. Built of solid stone, reinforced with Elarbarc lime, bristling with archers and guarded by Summer channelers ready to manipulate the river into a powerful force... not enough to hold us back.\n\nMasked by shadow, our Trimgarb warriors infiltrated the fortress and disguised themselves as its defenders, wearing their garb and using enchanting spells to appear like a Caamasi. With enough agents within their walls, it was simple to eliminate the most dangerous targets and open the gates for the rest of our forces. From then on, nothing could stop Trimgarb from bringing the fight to the heart of Summer!
+10% Siege Ability

The Autumn PassageThe ever-ambitious merchants of the Sarmadfar have plied the seas for new markets to expand to, but still the route to the Sarmadfar for its furs and copper is far too long. However, luckily for them the Trimgarb Peitar will guide them through the deserts and board them in the most comfortable lodgings, provided they compensate us fairly for our work.\n\nThe fee they pay is but a paltry reward: the real wealth lies in the power to guide the direction and flow of goods between these markets. Should they refuse to follow our guidance, they may be reminded of their heresy and may find themselves lost without water deep in the Egasach.
+15% Trade Steering

Roots and RocksLying underneath your feet is a vast collection of history, from Precursor Relics to fossils of long dead creatures. In Trimgarb, where the roots of the Domandrod extend outwards to grasp at the rivers from the Armonadh mountains, the loose and dry sand of the Egasach has been blown by the wind and covered countless secrets, and the colossal rock formations on which they flow around create curious valleys and mounts. While walking through Trimgarb you may stumble upon a great relic, a faint glimmer peeking out of the sand or beneath a grasping root. This natural vault of treasure is well known to the Trimgarbers, who search for these to uncover the secrets of the past.
-10% Idea Cost

The River TribunalWater is worth its weight in copper in Trimgarb, found in some quantity along the riverbanks but scarce in the Egasach desert. This precious resource with an endless quantity of uses has caused countless quarrels, and many have bought specific deeds and rights to water resources throughout the land that conflict with land ownership.\n\nTo combat this management crisis, the River Tribunal has been established, a judicial system dedicated solely to dealing with water management disputes. Located above a scenic, and symbolic, intersection of rivers, the participants in each case are constantly warned by the churning waters beneath. In the case that an individual is found guilty of malicious intent or gross waste of water, they are lowered into the river in an impervious cage and drowned in what they squandered.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Mirage in the DesertThe woodlands of Eordand are well-suited for stealth and ambush, but beyond the thin forests bordering the Domandrod, Trimgarb is a wide expanse of arid plains progressing rocky deserts, offering little cover. This is hardly a disadvantage, for the Trimgarbers have specialized in manipulating the winds to stir up clouds of sand and dust.\n\nWhile useful when fighting in melee, the sandstorms are an obscuring cloud that allows for sharpshooters to remain hidden and to continuously find hidden positions. Foreign musketeers used to rigid formations or the shield of a tree find themselves hopelessly exposed, displayed best at the Skirmish at Sicranach of 1689 when both regulars and irregulars of the Pearlsedger expedition fired hopelessly into the sandstorm.
-10% Fire Damage Received

Sweetdew and BluewoolTraditional crafts of Trimgarb have become a curiosity to Cannorian collectors, with Sweetdew and Bluewool being the most sought after. A rare naturally formed liquid, Sweetdew is collected in the shadows of the mountains and is curiously fizzy and has a hint of acidity, pairing well with fruit juice.\n\nCannorian explorers who passed through Trimgarb in the late 16th century were intrigued by this phenomenon and asked to take some home as a gift, sparking the demand for Sweetdew by 1637. Bluewool is sheared from the wooly horned sheep native to the Egasach, although only a few out of every hundred grow blue wool. The naturally vibrant wool is woven into warm clothing and blankets for comfort during cold evenings, but was often made into more finely woven threaded shirts or socks for Cannorian markets.
+10% Trade Efficiency

+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre


