Triarchic Ideas

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-15% Advisor Cost
+20% Institution Spread

Ozondye Od VatakvezDifficulties with language barriers made early diplomatic relations between the Triarchy cities difficult, but not impossible. Over time, being bilingual or even trilingual became more and more common among the cities' elites. Nonetheless, if there's one thing all artificers hate, it's inexactitude, and no one hated it more than Jukop Spiketail. Frustrated with what he considered to be inefficiencies in communication between the artificers of the three Harafic cities, he wrote the Ozondye Od Vatakvez: a tome describing the principles of Vatakvez, a constructed language made with the purpose of making knowledge sharing easier between him and his confidantes in the other cities.\n\nVatakvez is both highly technical and precise in its wording and seeks to incorporate the "best" elements of gnomish, goblin and kobold, and it quickly gained in popularity among the attendees of Harafic Artificer Fairs. As the various positions of Directors, our local administrators, are already granted on merit to experts and artificers already fluent in Vatakvez, it is only natural that we make it our administrative language to optimize the efficiency of our administration.\nOf course, the populace will be provided copies of all documents in all three languages as well, because all artificers know redundancy is critical to a reliable system!
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

Symbiosis with the GommoIt's simple, really, as would claim any Triarchic citizen. Each of the three city-states, Gommoport, Mestikardu and Zurzumexia is represented on the Council of Three, and the Gommo, the regulator of artificery worldwide, simply happens to also administer Gommoport, and thus have a seat on the Council. Just as the Gommo has come to oversee research in all three cities to ensure maximal efficiency and respect of ethics, it has also moved away from its roots as a gnomish guild to truly become an organization for all artificers, no matter their origin. As such, the Triarchy supports the Gommo to ensure its independence is guaranteed and branches protected. In return, the latest discoveries from distant Gommo branches or expeditions seem to somehow always reach the Triarchy first. The two entities are still legally separate, not unlike the Magisterium and the empire of Anbennar, a state of affairs granting them plausible deniability in foreign affairs - even if the technicalities are often questioned by diplomats unable to understand them.
+10% Allowed Rajput Fraction
+10% Artificers Loyalty Equilibrium

Unified Theory of MagicAs everyone knows, artificery is just the use of magic through rational means, no matter which: whether it's through alchemy, engineering or enchanting, as opposed to esoteric rituals. It is thus quite embarrassing that the nature of that magic itself was still poorly understood even in the 17th century, and why the Triarchy offered a prize in 1684 to anyone who could create a unified theory of magic.\n\nIt would take several attempts and decades for one to finally be made, as a group of four goblin scholars managed to explain all magical phenomena with the arcane wave theory. It states that magic exists as waves within a vacuum with no physical interactions, and it isn´t until enough arcane energy is concentrated that it can affect the physical world or take the form of damestear. To prove their theory, they developed the arcane battery, a device which stabilizes those waves inside and thus allows for the storage of magical energy, revolutionizing artificery.\n\nThe arcane wave theory ended up being disproved two centuries later, but the impact it had by making artificery more accessible is undeniable.
+50% Innovativeness Gain
-5% Technology Cost

An Escape from Thinking"... that said, the Triarchy as a society was built upon ideals of progress and change, and that appears to have bled into even their cultural institutions. Though they can claim otherwise, the goblins, gnomes, and kobolds of this land practice these ideals to an almost religious degree, as if taking a break from research for even a week would accrue some kind of divine wrath. Just in a single month I had been subjected to tenfold the amount of fairs I planned to visit, with such gems as "The Artificer's Cannon-Adjustment Consortium," and "Automaton Fighting VII," the VII standing for the number of times it was held this year alone. None of course can compare to the Many Worlds Festival, where one could see people from the entire country all wearing their traditional native-inspired outfits. Here anyone can debate about the various worlds in which we could live in the future, and creativity seems favored over realism, with the winning entries..."\n\n-Ollyria Sursteinn, Customs of Haraf
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Around the StormExplorers heading west all came back with the same reports: that a Great Storm of titanic size was blocking the horizon, and that this was the edge of the world. Soon, that ocean would be called the Ocean of the Lost, because with no points of reference and no reliable way of determining longitude with astronomical instruments, even a slight miscalculation of less than a degree could mean dozens of kilometers of error and no hope of finding a path around.\n\nFor Triarchic navigators, this seemingly impassable wall was a challenge, and it was only solved in the later half of the 17th century. Lighthouses all around Haraf were upgraded with Aerial Emitters, artificer devices which allowed a captain to triangulate his position relative to them and correct his calculations.\nThis would allow the creation of an extremely lucrative route to Haless around the Great Storm, directly connecting the Halessi Gommo branches to their Gommoport headquarters; some of them would even become free ports under Triarchy protection to prevent outside interference in the interests of both.
+10% Trade Power Abroad
+1 Naval Leader Manoeuvre

Leadership is a ScienceSometimes, experiments succeed. Sometimes, they fail, and teach even more valuable lessons. The attempt to seize the Guardian Islands from Busilari settlers was definitely the latter: while most of the archipelago had to be ceded, the Triarchy learned that its artificer militias spent more time blowing each other up than the enemy, and solved the problem as they always do. The old was done away with and the high command sacked to make way for the new, with the entire armed forces put under direct control of the Military Research Division. From then on, tactics would come from rational study, not the ego of some general.\n\nUnder the new leadership, the various coexisting philosophies of military artificery were merged under the ‘Philosophy of Visionary Synthesis’, based around practicality over theory, attention to detail, and personal initiative. The various military engineers now acting as officers insist on calling it the ‘Philosophy of Controlled Chaos’ instead.
+5% Discipline

The City of LightSome say small people have the biggest dreams. One thing is for sure, the Triarchy dreams big, and nothing represents that dream better than Vemod Arka, the City Of Light. It is built on hope and ingenuity, as it grew around the Ysatzel Tower, a building-sized arcane battery acting as the hub of the Arcane Energy Transportation and Storage Network. From here, magical energy from the entire country is sent, stored, and redirected to power artificer devices all over the Triarchy and our own magitech revolution. The magical energy flowing through the AETSN is so dense that auroras form a constant halo above the city, illuminating the path towards a bright future. Here in Vemod Arka, the future and present are one. Here in Vemod Arka, the Council of Three meets, no longer as representatives of three cities, but of gnomes, goblins, and kobolds. Here in Vemod Arka, our potential is made infinite!
+20% Goods Produced Modifier

+1 Free Policies