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Primary Culture

+25% National Supply Limit Modifier
+5% Morale of Armies

Scions of the Og'tochodsaksTolgusrek was founded by the Og'tochodsaks, traditionalists that rebelled against the urbanites long ago. Though they were defeated, those that survived managed to escape and build our city. Our people our still bound by clan bonds, proud to join our militia to protect their way of life.
+15% National Manpower Modifier

The Hidden CityTo avoid being hunted down and wiped out by the victorious cities, our forefathers cut Tolgusrek off from the rest of the world. Though we've long been revealed to our neighbors, our people grew close together in their shared isolation.
-1 National Unrest

Tolgusreki SharpshootersArchers from Tolgusrek are the best in the land. With the introduction of firearms, they've brought their expertise at ranged combat to the new battlefields.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Skilled SkirmishersOur militiamen are experts at guerrilla warfare, fighting from the shadows and fleeing before they can be cornered into pitched battles. As the enemy gets frustrated and less vigilant, we ambush them from the woods, slaughtering them by the hundreds.
+10% Shock Damage

The SprawlThe city of Tolgusrek is one of the few in the Federation without walls, allowing our city to expand without borders to hold them back.
-5% Development Cost

Battle of the Tyrant's FallThe cruel Tyrant Queen, the last absolute monarch in the islands, had her march stopped just east of our city. The grand victory resulted in a surge of republican pride which continues to persist within our people's hearts.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Last of the ShamansWe do not suffer the strict hierarchical nature of an organized priesthood, our people our led by a host of shamans, sensitive to their individual beliefs and tolerant of their differences.
+2 Tolerance of Heretics

-20% Reinforce Cost


