Toarnese Ideas

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-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay
-10% Fort Maintenance

Roilsardi HeritageUnlike other Roilsardi dynasties in The Border, the Toarnese nobles never truly forgot about where they came from. While centuries of intermarriage and acculturation eroded their identity, they still retained many Roilsardi traditions and values. Some of the more conservative nobles even considered themselves Roilsardi rather than Arannese. This heritage could be seen in the nobles' pragmatic diplomacy and disdain for cavalry.
+10% Improve Relations
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Aenawick TarThe peasants of Aenawick had a long-standing tradition of using tar kilns to produce high-quality tar out of a local variety of pine trees. This tar was then sold to shipyards on the coast of Toarnen, where it was used as a coating for the decking and rigging of wooden ships. The tar not only made hulls waterproof, but greatly increased their durability as well.
-10% Naval Attrition
-10% Naval Maintenance Modifier

Commissions Of ArrayToarnen faced many gnollish raids coming from Daravan's Folly over the years. In response, the Toarnese organized an efficient levy system to quickly raise peasant levies to defend the border. The sovereign of Toarnen would commission nobles to muster locals into a fighting force in times of need. These officers were commonly known as "arrayers".
+10% Garrison Size
+10% National Manpower Modifier

Toarnen BlackThe Roilsardi crusaders brought their favourite wine with them, but after their stocks ran out, importing Roilsard wine proved to be rather expensive. Instead, the nobles established small vineyards on their estates. The local climate was different from Roilsard however, so the local variety of Roilsard wine ended up being darker and having a stronger spicy flavour. This rare and valuable wine, produced only in small quantities, became known as Toarnen Black.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Masters of ChessIn the late 15th century, many Toarnese chess players became famous for their written works about chess theory. This was the result of the popularity of chess among Toarnese nobles and mages, who used the game to refine their strategic thinking skills. Chess may have originated in Rahen, but the modern, Cannorian variety of chess we all know today evolved in Toarnen.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

The Bordercliff CharterToarnen was a rural and relatively poor land, lacking major urban settlements. To encourage economic growth, the Counts and Countesses of Toarnen granted town charters, providing citizens with many liberties and privileges. The first town to receive such a charter was Bordercliff, which gave the legal document its name.
-10% Development Cost

Black-And-White PlaidWhile Arannen became famous for lacemaking, Toarnen became famous for the traditional cloth pattern used by its nobles: The Black-And-White plaid. This pattern even appeared in the County's heraldry. For a time, the chequered pattern became fashionable among the nobility of The Borders who copied the style and modified it in various ways. Toarnen did not benefit from this trend economically, as the cloth was made elsewhere, but it did improve the reputation of Toarnese nobility for being "trendsetters".
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

+1 Diplomatic Relations