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Primary Culture

+2 Attrition for Enemies
+15% Shock Damage

The Whistling PeopleReclusive even by the standards of the lonesome Yanglam, the Tlagapatung, the whistling people, are perhaps some of the most mysterious peoples in all of Haless. They rarely interact with outsiders, so much so that the only opportunity to truly see one is during a diplomatic outing. Their appearances are often breathtaking, for a skin as white as porcelain combined with intricate, beautiful clothing combines to create some of the most attractive people in Haless.\n\nFew can resist the charms of a Tlagapatung diplomat, for their unearthly perfection is hard to look beyond. Likewise, the reclusive nature of this people makes it exceedingly easy to identify outsiders who do not belong.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+25% Foreign Spy Detection

Dyes for DivinationOne thing that few know about Tlagapatung is their affinity for geomancy. Capable of manipulating the earth and shaping it into various forms, they are also capable of reading the subtle signs of a land that knows all - a sort of divination. The pastel tones of their dyes are used to divine the future, with various colors representing different circumstances. For example, an individual's love might be determined by burying pink dye and uttering the individual's name. The earth shall provide an answer - sometimes clear, sometimes not. This divination is a powerful tool, for it allows the geomancers of Tlagapatung to read the future, and in doing so determine the best routes for the country to take.
-10% Idea Cost

Devotees of the Abandoned OneOf course, Jaya Raya was cruel to the Yanglam who opposed them. The whistling people were one of them. Subjugated for many years, the geomancers of the land were conscripted for use elsewhere, put to matters of divination and war. It was a dark time for the kingdom.\n\nThat is, until a chief named Caksak Sajan made a fateful discovery. Having found an abandoned statue under the lake, the chieftain signed a dark covenant; they promised the statue followers in exchange for the freedom of his people. Using this power, Tlagapatung was able to break free of the Jaya Raya yoke. Ever since, the whistling people have enshrined the lake. The spirit beneath was powerful indeed, said to be one of the first Great Spirits to roam Halann, and the people of Tlagapatung think highly of it for delivering them their freedom.
+2% Missionary Strength vs Heretics
+10% Morale of Armies

Domain for Every ClanEvery family is provided their own land, guaranteed to be theirs forever. This land, though the government expects a small sum of their output, is theirs and theirs alone, free to be governed and utilized as the owning family sees necessary. These rights draw from the Tlagapatung belief that all deceased individuals are tied to the land upon which they perished, and so guaranteeing families land to reside upon allows for their ancestors to stay united and strong.\n\nWhat this means for the state is that it owns far less land than what official records indicate. Many malignant beings lurk within the Lupulan rainforest, and every family parcel is one plot less that the state must guard...
-25% State Maintenance

Council of PawangsThere is a council of pawangs within Tlagapatung, a circle who selects only the oldest and most skilled of the mages available, though they do take apprentices. This group is charged with a very special duty: the investigation and expulsion of any runaway supernatural incidents around Tlagapatung. The section of the Lupulan that the nation resides in is particularly infested with spirits (both malicious and benevolent) and is rife with their influence. For this, the efficient operation of the council is a necessity.\n\nIn exchange for their duties, this council has managed to carve itself out a very needed niche in the government, and the pawangs hold great influence in the government, unlike lesser spirit hunters.
+10% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium

Pact of the UnknownIn the year 1550 AA, Tlagapatung suffered a decade of constant disasters. Floods hit record highs, earthquakes shook the jungle, and hostile spirits swarmed like angry hornets. To say the state had fallen upon hard times was an understatement! In 1627, to round off all these events, the Pinghoi pirates invaded Tlagapatung, seeking to subjugate their inhabitants. Though the soldiers of the whistling people fought bravely, their state was so shaken by disaster that it could not provide them with what they required for victory.\n\nThe king at this time, Kalagamet, led a band of soldiers to Semat Tidakhui, begging it once more to deliver its followers from destruction. What transpired none can say, but 7 days later the king returned with a band of Hantu, powerful spirits with demonic powers. These Hantu routed the Pinghoi pirates easily, emanating negative energy in waves so strong that those they faced often routed outright. How our patron spirit could summon a host of this magnitude is unknown, but by integrating the Hantu into our regular forces we can ensure Tlagapatung never faces destruction again.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Manuscripts of the WatcherWritten some time in the 16th century, a sorcerer published the books 'Manuscripts of the Watcher', an oddly-named saga that was, in reality, a series of guidebooks describing all the spirits in the Lupulan Rainforest. All sorts were named, from minor animal spirits that could hardly be seen on a human's finger to the very spirit of the Lupulan, marking it as one of the most complete almanacs on spirits even to the modern day. These books were popularized in the 17th and 18th centuries as adventurers flocking to the region used them as guide-books.\n\nWhat they did not know is that the wizard writing these was a devout follower of Semat Tidakhui. Countless symbols and hymns to the spirit were disguised within the pages, such that any uninformed individual would be instilled with an unhealthy amount of respect for the spirit of Tlagapatung. The consequences of such trickery is not known, but some rumors have attested to a gradual increase in demonic energy at Tlagapatung's sacred shrine.
-1% Prestige Decay

+10 Maximum Absolutism


