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Primary Culture

-5% Idea Cost
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier

The Ziggurat of the TigerOne of the most beautiful and ancient of all the palace temples of Rahen is Tiltaghar, the Ziggurat of the Tiger. It is a vast pyramidal structure made of stones the color of a blazing sun and fit together so precisely that the temple stands without a trace of mortar between each great brick.\n\nTiltaghar has been the seat of petty kings and great priests in Shamakhad for thousands of years, most recently being occupied as the seat of one of the Dhenijanraj's eight senapti. As the seat of our government, we are caretakers of the temple, and its glory brings us great prestige and the envy of all those who behold its majesty.
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Last Loyal Lord in ShamakhadAs the north disintegrates into chaos before the onslaught of the Command and squabbling independent kingdoms attempt to assert their strength, we have remained loyal to the Raja in Dhenijansar. Our devotion does not waver, and all know us to be honorable and righteous.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Rejection of Harimari Military SupremacyFar from the Ascension Peninsula, we have come to organize our military not as an elite harimari force, but a large army of humans intermixed with harimari commanders and shock troops. Each race has their strengths and weaknesses - and we do not foolishly fail to recognize the strength of the humans of Rahen. Our army will be an integrated and professional force that combines the best of all our soldiers.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

The Warrior-ExilesWhen the kingdoms and Sir and Raghajand fell to the Command, many of those who escaped the hobgoblin onslaught fled south and settled in the independent border lords. Many of these exiles who congregate in our lands are eager for the opportunity to fight the hobgoblins and reclaim their homelands, and to this end they have offered their service as mercenaries and officers in our army. Their military experience will be invaluable in the wars to come.
+5% Mercenary Discipline

Marutha Gilt-GlassGlassmaking is a difficult art and a jealously guarded secret among those guilds and artisans that have mastered it. In Rahen, all of the great glassmakers can be found in southern Shamakhad, and many call Tiltaghar their home - its adjacency to the Marutha provides easy access to high-grade sands so necessary for the process.\n\nThe signature glasses of Tiltaghar are streaked through with bright yellows and greens and are sometimes called "Gilt-glass", referencing the vibrant golds spun into the glass. eagerly sought after by the nobility of Rahen and beyond for their beauty, they are our most prized export.
+10% Production Efficiency

Road Between the Twin PyramidsA thousand leagues to the east of Tiltaghar stands Tilathi, the Ziggurat of the Elephant, twin to our great capital. A twin to the golden Pyramid of the Tiger, the Elephant Temple is carved of stone that gleams like pure silver, mirroring her western sibling the same way that the moon mirrors the sun in the sky.\n\nThese two great temples mark the ends of the ancient Sojourner's Road, a winding path once walked by pilgrims who believed that the enlightenment of the High Gods could be reached somewhere on that sacred road. Though it has fallen into disrepair in recent years due to the conflict raging in northern Rahen, the Sojourner's Road and Tilathi remain sacred places of great beauty worthy of restoration and protection. We shall defend the holy road and the great sentinels that mark its ends, and in doing so demonstrate our piety and legitimacy.
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

The Edict of TiltagharOnce, Harimar's son Manava passed the Edict of Sardiphadin to restructure the ancient Raheni caste system with harimari at the top and humans beneath them. While this decree was unquestioned by many in South Rahen, in Tiltaghar the distance from the centers of political gravity meant that the reform never took as firm of a hold.\n\nThroughout the history of the Northern Senapti, humans proved their valor, skill, and intelligence, and the attitudes of the harimari rulers of Tiltaghar changed to become far more accepting of working with, instead of ruling over, humans over the years. This culminated in the 1601 Edict of Tiltaghar, issued shortly after the collapse of the Dhenijanraj's central authority, and decreed that the highest castes would no longer be forbidden to humans, who would henceforth be equal partners in the land of the Tiger Ziggurat.
-25% State Maintenance

-1 National Unrest


