Tiger Hobgoblin Ideas

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-10% Core-Creation Cost
+1 Administrative Free Policies

Legacy of the Ten ReformsThe Kinin Kaiku, or the Ten Reforms, are undoubtedly the most defining change to hobgoblin society in recent history. Everything, from marital status to the state of the family to even the intricacies of currency were defined in the Reforms, serving as the greatest singular code of laws in Haless. The Tigers take it the most seriously of any of the Great Commands, and under the gaze of these laws it is far easier to unify and centralize the state, for there are no worries about petty things like local traditions and customs.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

The New Perfect MinistriesThe ministries of the Harimraj were truly impressive, their organization the defining proof of harimari intelligence. Indeed, the structure of these ministries is suitable even for our use, so long as their persistent corruption problems are resolved. There will be no guaranteed positions, no more unpunished wrongdoing, no more of that corruption which so pervaded the Harimraj. Precedents like these will go a very long way indeed to making sure that the ministers are unwilling to defraud the state - or removed when they do.
-30% State Maintenance
-0.05 Yearly Corruption

High Philosophy SympathiesThe collective schools of philosophy that those in Rahen practice, known as the High Philosophy, synergize quite well - for the most part - with the principles of Godlost. Some schools of thought synergize better than others, of course, but these shared approaches to the world make it much easier to coexist with the followers of High Philosophy, at least until they can be properly converted.
+2 Tolerance of Heathens

Tiger Stripe FormationThe harimari knew how to make the best of their anatomy - formations often resemble streaks of tigers, using their claws and powerful muscles to rend and tear enemy formations. With the harimari under our ruler, we can formalize this into our regular tactics. Titled the stripe formation (named for the patterns on a tiger's pelt), the use of harimari auxiliaries in our armies means that these powerful claws can be used on our enemies.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability
+0.1 Infantry Shock

Azepyanunin Haiku'The culture here grew,\ntiger thought gave us haiku,\nsaves us paper, too'\n\n - Mokham Abbasi, 'The Rules for Governance'
+15% Morale of Armies

Glory to the PhilosophersWhat is the thing no state can live without? It is its philosophers! One does not need them to merely live, but to merely live in this world is worse than death! It is the calling to higher, greater things that separates us from mere beasts, and refusing to facilitate anything other than a mean, savage life is a failure of our position. To know philosophy, to cultivate it and develop it, is the key to having high status in the lands of the Tiger.
+10% Tiger Command Influence
+10% Tiger Command Loyalty Equilibrium

Calarai and HorozukeWith the widespread adoption of the printing press, creating literature no longer required a scribe to pour days of effort into a single copy - many copies of something could be made in a short time, making it much easier to distribute literature. One particular example is the series of novels named Calarai and Horozuke, a series of for-entertainment books covering a hobgoblin and their adoptive harimari brother.\n\nThese two characters would often touch on philosophy, discussing various concepts while embarking on a series of misadventures. Often, these two will leave their readers with much to consider...
+20% Institution Spread

-25% Administrative Advisor Cost