Tiger Bane

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Tiger Bane

Primary Culture

+1 Monarch Military Skill
-25% State Maintenance

The Four HoovesTo control the vast population that resides within our border, we require a military force of a similar size. To this end, every able centaur is required to serve at least 4 years in our armies, a period known as the Four Hooves.
+15% National Manpower Modifier
+0% Yearly Army Professionalism

Royal HaremThe prime responsibility of the Caehn is to keep the peace and maintain stability within the empire. To this end the Caehn's harem has been greatly expanded, ensuring we shall always have a vast pool of heirs to choose from and protecting our succession.
+50% Chance of New Heir

Ever-Growing AdministrationAs our empire expands across the horizon and far beyond, so too must our administration grow to govern our vast lands.
-10% Expand Administration Cost

Eastward DestinyOur empire is destined to rule Haless, like Harimar and Jaher before us. Unlike them however, we are determined to reign for all eternity, and our warriors are ready to cement our rule in a sea of blood should they have to.
+15% Morale of Armies

Breaking the NestIn dark alleys and silenced cellars, our less than grateful subjects plot our downfall. We shall track these dissidents down in their own homes to punish them to the deserved degree, and all shall know that traitors have only one place in our realm; with their heads mounted on our pikes.
-25% Harsh Treatment Cost

Quick ReplacementWe offer many boons to those conquered lords that submit to our Caehn and serve us with loyalty and deference. They also know that their positions of power can very suddenly be stripped from them to be replaced by one of our own enlightened herd should they fail to impress us.
-3 Years of Separatism

The Great TollBandits and highwaymen prowl the isolated and far reaching roads across our empire. Merchants that pass through know that they can always depend on an imperial patrol to escort them to distant lands, for a respectable cut of the profits and exclusive prices for their goods.
+20% Provincial Trade Power Modifier

+0.25 Cavalry Shock


