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Primary Culture

-15% Fort Maintenance
+25% Garrison Size

We Do Not FleeTiboktsamo, meaning Southern Tower, was originally just a naval fort under Kolonoma, used to keep guard over the strait. When the humans invaded Kolonoma, most people expected Tiboktsamo to fall with it. Yet the tower commander of Tiboktsamo managed to hold off the humans, who lacked their own navies and were inexperienced in naval warfare. When the Jakatany of Kolonoma, who had fled south to Sovalelnosy, realized that the island was safe, he immediately sailed there to use it as his vantage point for retaking Kolonoma. The Jakatany's arrival was greeted with massive celebrations and festivities; more specifically, celebrations and festivities at his public execution as a deserter and traitor. Since then, Tiboktsamo has never declared itself a kingdom, and none of its rulers has assumed any title other than tower commander. For the tower commanders' line has proved itself more honorable than that of the Jakatanys, and the Tiboktsamo know that They Do Not Flee.
+0.5 Yearly Devotion
+0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
-10% Morale Damage Received
+0.15 Yearly Republican Tradition

Sole Heirs of the AnánomaThroughout the centuries following the fall of Kolonoma, the tower commanders of Tiboktsamo staged multiple attempts at retaking both Kolonoma and the other anánoma. Surrounded by invaders to the north and deserters to the south, Tiboktsamo considers itself the only legitimate heir to the anánoma's legacy.
+10 Global Settler Increase
+50% Power Projection From Insults

Pristine AdministrationWhen other nations looked back to their time as conquerors and empires, Tiboktsamo looked back to their time as a humble subject. Whenever it was independent, Tiboktsamo's rulers would deliberately base their administration on the way things were run back when the city had been a mere naval outpost under Kolonoma. As far as the tower commanders were concerned, Tiobktsamo was still exactly that, the only difference being the lack of a legitimate Jakatany back in Kolonoma.
+1 Possible Advisors
-0% Yearly Army Tradition Decay

The Homeland TradeAs each attempt at reclaiming Kolonoma and the Dao Nako met with failure, the tower commanders begrudgingly had to accept that the new status quo was here to stay. The same location that had made Tiboktsamo a great place for a naval fort also made it a great location for trade, and gradually the city grew from trade with Horashesh and Fahvanosy. Still uncomfortable with the idea of trading with invaders and deserters, the tower commanders would pay special attention to the remaining Vyzemby still living on the mainland. Seeing them as fellow descendants of the anánoma, Tiboktsamo struck special trade deals with the merchant families of these halflings, easing the transition to a more peaceful (and lucrative) existence.
+10% Domestic Trade Power

Kolo's ProphecyRefusing to accept Lel's takeover of the Nakavy Avo, Tiboktsamo still saw Kolo as its rightful ruler. It's no wonder then that it was in Tiboktsamo where the prophecy of the Kolovadoy would become the most popular. Each cleric preached of the day when the Kolovadoy would restore Kolo and the Vyzemby to their rightful place, and several tower commanders throughout history tried to claim the title of the prophesied conqueror for themselves.
-15% Province War Score Cost

Jyva's MysticsMany Vyzemby dismissed the clergy and devotees of Jyva as superstitious mystics babbling vague prophecies and useless mysteries. But in Tiboktsamo, where Jyva's Kolovadoy prophecy was paramount, her worship was embraced and encouraged. Many would seek out Jyva's guidance for important decisions, from commoners to merchants to even the tower commanders. Her mystics would march across the streets during holidays and celebrations, chanting incantations and spreading incense across the island's settlements. Her popularity rivaled even that of Kolo himself.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

New AlliesTiboktsamo had long been resigned to their inability to retake their homeland, as long as the status quo of Fahvanosy and Horashesh held. But that status quo was changed when a new power entered the scene in the form of the Cannorians. In these new arrivals the tower commanders saw their opportunity to finally reclaim what was rightfully theirs. As such they spent great effort on currying favours and forging pacts with the Cannorians, at every step making sure to impress upon these foreigners their noble history and status as the rightful rulers of Kolonoma and the entire Dao Nako.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

+2% Missionary Strength


