Tianlou Ideas

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-10% Development Cost
-10% Idea Cost

Towers of the SkyHigh Philosophy revolves around the study of the temples of the High Gods in order to emulate them and achieve their greatness. And the temples of Tianlou are the greatest of all in Haless. Through the high status of these temples, the city holds a great measure of authority within the Philosophy, attracting many pilgrims and scholars who are eager to marvel at their splendor.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

The Gate of SmokeTianlou lies at the mouth of the Yanhe river, and it is the greatest port of Yanshen. All trade connecting Yanshen to the rest of the world goes through the gates of Tianlou.
+10% Global Trade Power

Desire of ConquerorsTianlou is known as the Jewel of Yanshen. Both Harimar and Jaher conquered Yanshen partially because they wished to capture Tianlou, their fascination captured by its great temple. Both also placed their capital there. And both their rules ended there. The great tiger disappeared after entering the inner sanctum of the great temple, while the elven conqueror was assassinated by the displeased Yansheni rulers. Tianlou is the desire of conquerors, but it is a poisoned price.
+1 Yearly Prestige

XuezhefangTianlou is home to the largest eunuch academy of Yanshen, the Xuezhefang. Together with Yangcheng, they educate nine out of ten eunuchs who will later take service in the various bureaucracies of the region. The remaining eunuchs tend to be educated by smaller schools or by personal tutors.
-15% Advisor Cost

The Facilities for EmpireDue to its long periods as regional and imperial capital, Tianlou has many buildings and infrastructure designed for governing purposes. These include the Palace of the Divine Call, which was constructed by Harimar's successors, and the Hall of the Rising Sun, added to the Palace on Jaher's orders. While these were repurposed once those empires fell, they were renovated in the 1600s, when the city returned to its former position as administrative centre of Yanshen.
+1 Administrative Possible Policies

Fragments of the High GodsStarting with the arrival of Cannorian artificers, predominantly gnomes, in 1654 AA, the trade and research into the artifacts of the high gods temple in Tianlou became a more and more prominent feature of the city's business. This led to the establishment of a guild of local artificers and researchers in 1722 to prevent thieving Cannorians from plundering sacred sites.
+10% Production Efficiency

The HeijànduThe Heijàndu, the black fleet - of Tianlou was an expansive and expensive construction project which employed all of the city-state's shipwrights for several years in response to Cannorian colonial efforts. It was subsequently employed to protect Tianlou's mercantile interests all around Haless. It roamed from the Lake Federation to Arawkelin to Insyaa and was seen in ports as distant as Eordand and Ardimya.
+10% Ship Trade Power
+20% Naval Force Limit Modifier

+10% Trade Efficiency