Thunderfist Ideas

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+20% Land Force Limit Modifier
-10% Land Maintenance Modifier

Bound and HonorboundGone are the days when our people roamed the Serpentspine's caverns, free to live and fight as we pleased. Now our people live under the iron fist of the hobgoblins, eternally at their mercy and terrified of their whip. The only thing we cling to are the tales of our people's lost glory and our unbreakable honor.\n\nWhereas the Bloodsong slaughter and pillage as they wish at the Command's orders, their battlelust being one of the few pleasures they're allowed to maintain, we fight with a semblance of unity and order learned from our hobgoblin master, pillaging and slaying only when necessary or our hobgoblin masters strictly command. We take pride in extending our enemies what courtesy we can, for the respect of our conquered opponents may one day earn us a new ally. Slaves we may be, but despite what the hobgoblins might assert, let it be said that the one thing the Thunderfist will hold forever is our honor.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+0.5 Yearly Prestige

Conflict with the LocalsOf what little land the hobgoblins saw fit to give us after the initial invasion, much of it was already occupied by the weak Raheni. We Brown orcs were forced to push them away from our lands in order to make room for ourselves, which lead to the development amongst our nation of a particular knack for removing individuals from their homelands.
-20% Culture Conversion Cost
+20% Looting Speed

Hobgoblin Advance GuardWe brown orcs, in their subservience to the hobgoblins, would be forced into the role of what they called the "advance guard", but what we knew that they were merely using us as elephant-fodder. Nonetheless, as a result of this role, our armies would adapt to maintaining, and replacing, large numbers of frontline infantry
-10% Infantry Cost

Path of the Thundering FistWhile our clan's warriors make use of whatever weapons we get, their primary weapons are their own bodies. Our clan takes its name from its fighting style, for a blow from our orc's fists cracks the air like thunder, incapacitating a human in two strikes.\n\nBut our martial prowess wouldn't reach its height until we were sent to quell dissent and loot monasteries in conquered Xianjie, where we faced off against one of the Xia's master cultivators. His strength eclipsed our finest orcs, his grace and agility were unheard of, and his use of chi was that of a sublime art. In the end, we prevailed and subdued him, but to our surprise, the monk made our clan an offer. Impressed by the dedication of our warriors to hone their bodies into deadly weapons, the monk offered to mentor us.\n\nIn exchange for sparing his life, the monk refined our techniques, passing on all of his predecessors' accumulated wisdom of chi and the art of cultivation. Now our fists strike with true lightning and thunder, and our enemies tremble and quake at the pride and legacy of our clan: the Path of the Thundering Fist.
+25% Army Drill Gain Modifier
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Workers of all kindsWe brown orcs are an adaptable people, and since emerging onto the surface, we have learned many trades from the people who inhabit this land. From woodworking to farm working, leatherworking, and many many more. Brown orcs have become known throughout Haless as fast-learning and adaptable workers.
+10% Production Efficiency

Shrouded Sun Thundering StormsAs decades under the hobgoblin whip passed by, the two enslaved clans were split into their respective roles for the Command. While Bloodsong were the Command's spearhead, acting as the advance guard and ferocious shock troops, the Thunderfist served as tax collectors and enforcers. Adopting their hobgoblin masters' eerie and near-unbreakable order and discipline, Thunderfist enforcers would crush any revolt with monstrous efficiency and ensure taxes collected from the Command's subjects were exactly what was demanded, no more or less.\n\nLike a thunderstorm sweeping across the land, allowing nothing to bar its path, the hobgoblins' unshakable servants swept away and quelled dissent, dragged corrupt officials into the streets for all to see, and left no home unvisited. Though some of us dreamed of that great storm being truly free to drift as it pleased, most Thunderfist saw it better to earn their place under the Great Command, rather than raise our crackling fists against the indestructible titan who could stamp us out like the opposition we systematically break down.
+25% Available Loot
-25% Harsh Treatment Cost

A New HomeThe lands of the Raheni are fruitful and prosperous, rich in ivory, gold, porcelain, silk and many more valuable commodities. Over the centuries, it has been home to many people; the Raheni, the Harimari, and countless others. We too are no longer mere guests upon this land, and must instead to strive to make it our home aswell.
-10% Development Cost

+15% National Manpower Modifier