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Primary Culture

-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
+15% National Tax Modifier

The Rule of NaraiThe career of Lord Narai Chaiya began as a retainer to Lord Tonan Pruakong. There he served the lord alongside the elf Hiderion Tonanzuir, the same elf who would go on to rule Thirabnir’s sister nation of Azkare. From his position in court, he rose to be lord of Thirabnir for fifty successful years. To those that paid their dues to the state and their liege, he was just, even kind. However, to those that showed disobedience to Narai’s rule, his retribution was swift and implacable. The marks he has left on the leadership of Thirbanir still weigh on the countenance of all its lords.
-20% Stability Cost Modifier

Trial of the White WindAt the cusp of adulthood the youth of our nation are sent into Sikhawlom, the desert of White Wind. There, it is said, the blowing salt can strip a corpse to bone within a month. In high summer the sons and daughters of Thiranbir willingly march to the desert’s heart and tie themselves to poles that the salt might scour all weakness from their skin.
-10% Land Attrition

Sikhawlom Salt FieldsThe Sikhawlom desert is the source of our small nation’s wealth. From it’s dunes are scraped vast quantities of salt blown in terrible spirals by the White Wind. While it presents a veritable bounty of resources, the conditions are terribly inhospitable, with only a few small settlements crowded around Oases. Since it is impossible to convince willing workers to go out into the salt, instead undesirables and dissidents are used for labour, solving two problems at once.
-10% Harsh Treatment Cost
+10% Production Efficiency

Home of the Kai StepFirst developed in the mid seventeenth century, the modern Kai Step originated in our township. Allies and enemies alike have mocked the oddness of its gait, the same gait that originated running the long distances between the scattered Kai towns. Yet that mockery is silenced when they see the brutal efficiency with which our troops maneuver about the field of battle.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Desolate ThirabnirThe lands of Thirabnir are empty even for the standards of Thidinkai. To the north the White Wind strips any life from the dunes, and to the south there are vast plains that are home to only horses. Many an enemy army has found itself hopelessly lost in the featureless lands of Thirabnir, or drowned in salt by the unforgiving desert.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

The City of TavernsThanks to its central location, Haiban has become something of a trade hub, with many merchants passing through either on their way to Verkal Ozovar, or further into the lands of the Kai to the east. Due to the constant travel of mercenaries and adventurers, and the city not having any other strategic value, a crop of taverns have sprung up like so many mushrooms. Many of these new taverns are now owned by the very adventurers they used to serve, so the cycle continues.
+10% Adventurers Loyalty Equilibrium
-10% Mercenary Cost

Marching LordsIn the other Kai nations, when horses were an unseen commodity, only the rich and powerful could afford them. However, in Thirabnir even the nobility could not afford anything except their own two feet. While times have changed, Thirabnir’s generals still march alongside their men on the road to battle.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

-25% State Maintenance


