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Primary Culture

+5% Discipline
-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

The Landfall PromiseWhen the ships came close to the shore of Aelantir bringing the many noble families of Viswall and the others who joined them, many began to worry if the oppression from their old home would follow them to where they are now. A great promise was made as the first halflings went ashore.\n\n"We will be stronger, We will be louder, We will always be free. Never shall we fall under oppression again, no matter the cost."
-10% Stability Cost Modifier

Urban CountrysideThe Thílvisan countryside is unique among Aelantir as, instead of a typical village you might find in Small Country, you find the many cities of Thílvis. Villages would be made to seem as if they made halflings weak and easily subjugated. Refusing to be seen as weak they made cities which showed strength and allowed for more robust economies and greater defenses.
-15% Development Cost

Green FarmingFarming became a worrying thing throughout Thílvis as if they had anywhere near close to the output of Small Country. They would only be viewed as peasants to throw on the fields. Then the first ships bringing orcs from Escann came and it solved the problem, orcs would farm while halflings could do more productive trades. Large plantations grew fast supplying not only the food a growing Thílvis would need but many new crops to sell on a larger market.
+10% Production Efficiency

The Great Tower of VisThe Great Tower of Vis is a symbol of pride and strength. Its construction was started shortly after the settlement of Thílvis was finished. Originally created as a hall for the Assembly of Thílvis to meet and discuss policy, it soon began construction again to make it taller as not only a symbol of power of Thílvis, but a symbol to all halflings and their strength and ingenuity. The Tower always has branches under construction to increase its height even higher. The Assembly of Thílvis continues to move to the highest completed floor of the tower to meet, and newly elected members engage in a ceremony before they begin their climb of the tower to do their part.
+2 Monthly Splendour
+1 Yearly Prestige

Thílvisan CannonsDuring the First Coalition War the Thílvisan army ran into an issue where they felt that they did not perform as well as the other members of the Coalition. They felt the main weakness was their lack of large firepower as the cannons they brought were halfling sized compared to the cannons of the other members. This soon spiraled into the design of the Thílvisan Cannon, an extremely large cannon that then required crews of 20 halflings to load and fire. With the new cannon Thílvis was able to make a bigger splash than any of the other members of the coalition with it.
+10% Artillery Combat Ability

Leaders of ColorsThe leading political body of Thílvis the Assembly was always from its founding and was led by the nobles who brought all of them to Aelantir. These noble families had lines of leadership from Viswall and some could even date back to positions in Viswall from the old Gnomish Hierarchy. These noble lines despite expectations have always brought an evolving take to politics through the many meetings of the Assembly and truly being defined as Leaders from the City of Colors.
+1 Random Candidate Bonus

New Building BlocksArtificery had always been welcomed in Thílvis from its earliest inception. The inventions that came from it could make a halfling as strong as an ogre and the concrete able to hold a mountain. So when the Ravelian societies asked for places to debate and invent they were welcomed to Thílvis with open arms. Once the Ravelian faith began Thílvis joined in quickly making Thílvis a hub for artificery and industrialization in Aelantir and the Trollsbay.
-15% Construction Cost

-1 National Unrest


