Thieving Arrow Ideas

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+10% Artillery Damage from Back Row
+1 Land Leader Fire

Echoes of the GreentideThe goblins of Clan Thieving Arrow were once part of the Goblin Exodus fleeing the chains of Korgus Dookanson. Unlike many other clans, however, we did not abandon our domain in the Serpentspine. Still, we find ourselves in an unfamiliar stretch of these great mountains, as we passed an actual dwarven hold, still inhabited by its keepers! Considering Dookanson's mustering, and how many warbands had come to his banners, it is only reasonable to prepare for them to make efforts to reclaim the rails and other holds. Furthermore, orcs still dwell in these caves and ancient rails, meaning we will have a fight for our survival, one way or another.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Demanding SuppliesMoney doesn't grow on trees, and anyone who says otherwise is insane or trying to con their fellow goblin. Still, finding the necessary supplies for any large undertaking is difficult in the Serpentspine, be it from military campaigns to construction projects. So, we must acquire money and supplies from wherever we can - and if we have to ste- requisition supplies from our people as needed, then that is a simple, yet unavoidable misfortune. Goblins after all love to collect things, whether it was earned or not. What's wrong with collecting them back?
-15% Land Attrition

Collection AdministrationCollecting things from our people was easy, at first. Now, however, fewer and fewer goblins are paying their fair share to the Clan as a whole, and by extension the Clanboss. This has led to the creation of a special group of goblins, who- with the Clanboss' permission, are to go out and ensure everyone is paying their fair share, by any means necessary.
-0.1 Monthly Autonomy Change

Clanboss' CutThe effort of attempting to collect from our clan grows more and more difficult with each passing year, as goblins find clever rules or rather clever ways to hide their wealth from the Clanboss. The obvious solution is to simply take a percentage of any exchange or trade. This will allow us to move on from simply strong-arming goblins for big lump sums of wealth infrequently, to a much easier to budget stream of income.
+15% National Tax Modifier

Armament EffortAs the process of our collection grows, there have been many who would want to take from us our wealth and our land. Be it dwarf, orc, or even our fellow goblin, we must be ready to spend some of our wealth in order to defend it. By arranging for certain weapon producers to be given less extensive collection by our special agents, this will allow us to build a better understanding with those who are willing to supply our military forces. As well, it is not like part of the wealth we give away won't end up coming back to ourselves…
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Collection BreaksDespite our best efforts to centralize our wealth around the Clanboss and his ever growing organization, even as it grows so large as to require meetings on how to allocate the collection for needs of state, we have to rely on the powerful and influential who are outside the Clanboss' organization. By offering lessened collection and allowing them to keep more of their wealth, we can make them indebted to us in other ways, ensuring that we can make up for lost revenue from the rest of the Clan.
+5% Burghers Loyalty Equilibrium
+5% Monstrous Tribes Loyalty Equilibrium
+5% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium

Regulation of the CollectionTaxes. As we come into contact with other societies beyond the Serpentspine, primarily those in Bulwar and by extension our kin who continued to flee during the Exodus, we have learned other societies call our method of collection 'Taxes. While it matters little what we call it, at the end of the day it seems nobody likes paying up for the good of the state. Taking some inspiration from our kin in Bulwar however, has given the Clanboss an idea. By formalizing the rules of Collection into a series of codes, laws, and formal dates of payment, we can keep our subjects less disgruntled and reduce rock-thrown complaints through the Clanboss' windows- and at the Clanboss in general.
+15% Average Monarch Lifespan
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

-25% State Maintenance