Themarennic Ideas

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+1 Diplomatic Relations
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

Hub of EsmariaThe beautiful shores of the Themarenn Lake have always been a popular destination for wanderers in Esmaria, in the old days of the Kingdom of Esmaria it was even the preferred location for the King's residence, with the various river kings making the travel between Esmarainé and Lake Themarenn several times. Ever since the death of the last King of Esmaria, with Esmarainé fallen to the hands of greedy merchants, the Lake has assumed the role of Hub of Esmaria.
+1 Diplomats

Mastery of the RiverwaysEsmaria is well known for its many rivers, most of which are tributaries of the Esmar River. The river kings were able to use them to connect the region and establish reliable borders for their vassals. Due to the constant stream of visitors, we have been forced to make the most out of the old waterways, resulting in our exceptional ability in navigating them.
-10% Development Cost

Defenders of the LakeThe beautiful shores of the lake attract many visitors. Most of them just come to enjoy the scenery and the fair maidens on its shores, while some come with more hostile intentions. As tensions in the region rise, it is time we finally take up arms to defend our home!
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier

Floating FortressesBesieging a fortress is hard. Besieging a coastal fortress is even harder without a fleet. Besieging a fortress completely surrounded by deep water might as well be impossible. Although we aren't able to build stone keeps on water, by constructing small wooden keeps on water that are able to house a few cannons the would-be conquerors will have many difficulties in bringing down our fortresses.
+15% Fort Defence

Lake Themarenn FeastsThe Esmari River Parties are famed in all of Cannor. What reaches even the neighbouring regions, from the rebuilt Escann to the far lands of Bulwar, are the feasts by Lake Themarenn. By improving our infrastructure, we will be able to host more guests, and to separate the illustrious ones from the peasants.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

River-Reaver MarinesSeen by their neighbours as no more than brutes who can swim, the River-Reaver Marines gain their name from the renowned Black Castanorian commander Drosten River-Reaver who first occupied Themarenn and much of the central Esmar river for the Sorcerer-King. When the war turned sour he quickly joined the side of the League of Free Realms in 1006, and used his skill in river-fighting to help liberate the rest of Esmaria and push into Escann via the Alen river. After the war he was ordered to give the lands he occupied with his army back to the Esmarians but he refused, and used his River-Reavers to continue to dominate the riverways of the Esmar against his foes. Despite this, thanks to his companionship with the elf Saelihn he was a major force in the elvenization of the region.
+25% Marines Force Limit
-10% Shock Damage Received

Themarenn PalaceThe Esmarian Kings routinely retreated from the busy court life in Esmarainé to find peace in their palace by the lake. The Lake Palace was left in a state of disrepair ever since the river kings died out, due to its high maintenance cost. But now, as we possess the funds to rebuild and maintain such a splendid palace, we shall show to the whole of Esmaria our great power and wealth.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

+5% Discipline