Theinosi Ideas

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-15% Development Cost
+0.15 Infantry Fire

The Great Charter Of Theínós"We, descendants of the wise and noble Kheionai who first crossed The Cleaved Sea, to settle the Highlands in pursuit of new lives. We, who are the contemporaries of the enlightened and civil­ized nations of Aelantir and Cannor, who behold the advantages which they enjoy under the protection of the impenetrable bastion of civilized law, find it no longer possible to suffer, without cowardice and self-contempt, the cruel yoke of the Kheions who have weighed upon us for more than a millennia. We, the people of Theínós, have broken free, and will never again be chained to foreign domination…"\n\n-The introduction of The Great Charter of Theínós.
-10% Stability Cost Modifier

From Many Came OneThe original cities of Empkeios, Eneion, Keyolíon, Besolakí, Amgremós, Deyeion, and Apikhoxí were the brothers of the Devand, who, while staying under oath to their overlords in Alecand, managed to form a bond of strength and unity, exploring the vast new world that lay in front of them. They each had their own unique culture, distinct from the great Kheions out west. Eventually, they grew to be very different, forging their own identities. It was only a matter of time before one of the cities would rebel, breaking the link between the parent Kheions and their children. Now, they are united in a powerful federation, able to defend their interests from foreign aggression.
-10% Advisor Cost

Built From ScatchWhen our forefathers first arrived to this land under the banner of the Kheions, it was an empty waste. There was no presence of civilized life, besides the hostile Bashobhar peoples. Endless forests stretched to the top of mountains and beyond. To us it seemed impossible that any large towns or cities would exist here without major effort from both the Kheions and their settlers. Unfortunately, the Alecandi refused to provide much if any support besides basic necessities. It was up to the newly arrived settlers to bear the weight of building the colonies.\n\nWithin a short timespan, all of that had changed. What was once the largest forest witnessed by the Kheionai had turned into lush fields, farmlands, and even large towns and bustling communities. They had even found growth in their economy through the slave trade of the Bashobhar. The Nékheis had managed to do the impossible: They had built their towns from scratch, with little help from their uncaring overlords.
-10% Construction Cost

Through The Forests And HillsMove quickly, stay alive.\n\nThe Devand is a place of rugged lands and perilous mountains, a place where stepping outside of the boundaries of regular travel can put even the toughest of men into grave peril. That is why the soldiers of Theínós are taught from the beginning of their training to stay together and to move fast. Even with the threat of the Bashobhar diminishing, there are still predators and monsters that would love to eat an elf for lunch. Thus, the special training of how one should approach the highlands and its dangers is of the utmost importance. Through this training and their own experiences, the soldiers of the Devand move quicker than ever before, as fast as the cheetahs the Chendhyans ride, and as swiftly as the wind.
+15% Movement Speed

Horizon's CallThe lands further out from this small corner of the world are ours to map and explore. We came into existence with the purpose of exploring the lands beyond the horizon, and claiming them as ours. It is our right, our destiny. We know there may be natives or colonizers out there, as we have heard stories of vast empires across the sea, but we show no fear. They will not stand in the way of progress.\n\nThey will have two choices: To integrate, or to die.
+5% Settler Chance
-10% Core-Creation Cost

The PhylakíorWhen the Nékheis would fight wars, they did not have the plentiful trained men that the cities of Alecand had. No, they had the Phylakíor. Volunteers that would assist the soldiers in their time of need, who would fight alongside their brothers when they were called upon. They were by no means professional, but they showed their bravery and prowess in battle. They were treated as honorable elves by the citizens of the Nékheis, serving their country of their own volition. It was not uncommon for the most experienced of the Phylakíor to be given the honor of being incorporated into the army as fully fledged military personnel.\n\nMany Phylakíor groups continue to operate as local police in remote areas, serving when the army cannot. They continue to perform an integral part of the Theínósi defense to this day.
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier

The Future We SeekProgress is what keeps the world going forward. It was once the focus of Kheionai ideas, no matter what city you resided in. Elves worked together to settle the lands outside their great wards, and constructed governments. Eventually, the seven great Kheions came to rule the western half of Alecand. Tragically, though, progress was halted. Somewhere along the line, the cities had splintered on what their destiny was. Wars were fought, blood was shed, and the gears that had once driven the cities as brothers had halted. The republics shut themselves in, to bicker for eternity.\n\nWe will not repeat their failures. We act as one united nation, and the infighting that has caused the gears of progress to come to a halt shall bind us no more. We look towards the future for the betterment of all those who live in the Nékheis.\n\nWe will not fail.
-5% Idea Cost
-5% Technology Cost

-10% Morale Damage Received