Tellumtiri Ideas

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+30% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
+15% Movement Speed

Frontier SpiritOut here on the wild frontier, the men and women of Tellumtir are expert survivalists, capable of navigating and sustaining themselves even in the harshest conditions our lands can throw at them.
-10% Land Attrition
yes May Recruit Female Generals

Tell'Em ExpressAll across the Ynn, our valiant young horsemen ride, ferrying messages, parcels, and whatever else we're hired to ferry between the far flung and isolated settlements of the west. In doing so, we've gained access to plenty of sensitive information to use to our advantage, should we be forced to.
+15% Foreign Spy Detection
+15% Spy Network Construction

Tellumtir RangersThe Tellumtir Rangers were originally founded to help escort messengers along their routes, but they've quickly become a famed force of gunfighters and horsemen, their skill with the pistol is legendary and many have romanticized their incredible adventures.
+0.5 Cavalry Fire
+10% Cavalry Combat Ability

The Lone ColtThe Lone Colt of Tellumtir is instantly recognizable, from the castles of the Ynn to the frigid wastes of Themaria. While others may call it 'simple' or 'uncreative' it remains a source of pride and patriotism among our people.
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Tale of Tellum RedTellum Red was a young and violent outlaw that had killed more than 20 adventurers sent after him, and who had the townspeople of Mara Luar gripped in fear of his wrath. None could best him until he made a fatal slip when he tried to match a Tellumtir Ranger in a duel. The swiftness of the Ranger is still talked about today, inspiring our armed men and women.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay

Relay NetworksTo help in the transport of goods and letters, the Tell'Em Express has established dozens of post offices across our land, many having drawn enough settlers in to become small cities and bustling trade posts in their own right.
+20% Trade Steering

Buck's FirearmsFounded by the Tellumtiri artificer Simon Buck, Buck's Firearms and Patents produces some of the most reliable and prized firearms in Aelantir. Countless innovations have come from his manufactories, and virtually every self respecting gunfighter in the Ynn has handled a Buck firearm at some point in their lives.
+10% Land Fire Damage

+1 Merchants