Telgeiran Ideas

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+10% Infantry Combat Ability
-10% Land Maintenance Modifier

Vanbury GuildWhen the House of Vanbury was ousted from the Gawedi throne in the 1100s, many of the family returned to their ancestral traditions of smithing and armour-making. Eventually, they created the Vanbury Guild, which became one of the first standardized armour and weapon manufacturers in Cannor.
+10% Production Efficiency

Telgeiran Mass PlateThe County of Telgeir (which means foundry in elven) was granted to Tristan of Vanbury in 1363 for his service in arming the imperial armies during the First Lilac War. While initially providing arms for knights and nobility, Tristan eventually gained contracts to mass-produce armour for the standard soldier, becoming part of the forefront of the change in warfare from peasant levies to professional men-at-arms.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Standard Arms ManufacturingThough our soldiers are some of the finest in Esmaria, some are bound to die in battle. Or maybe the enemy's fierce attacks will manage to crack our excellent equipment. Whatever it might be, by establishing standards for weapons and armours we will be able to produce more thus allowing us to replace them quickly and easily.
-10% Reinforce Cost
+10% Reinforce Speed

Vanbury School of MetallurgyIn 1611 the Vanbury Guild was given an imperial grant to start a school in Anbenncóst. This provided a great exchange of techniques and ideas, and opened the field of metallurgy for all who wished to learn. Of course, the Telgeiran foundries provided luxurious apprenticeships to the most promising students, and thus gaining the benefits of their findings for themselves.
+50% Innovativeness Gain

VG Musket (Model 3)By the 1700s the VG Musket became the standard and most popular weapon in the world, seeing use in wars from Aelantir to Haless. Despite the popularity of the Model 1 and Model 2, a rare Model 3 was created with special niche improvements that were available only for use by the Telgeiran state.
+10% Land Fire Damage

Steel MonarchyHouse Vanbury has retained control over the Guild for centuries now, thus making sure that no vassal or merchant ever retained more power than his overlord. Cracking down on the subject's rights is thus extremely easy, and many abroad nickname our government the 'Steel Monarchy'.
-10% Stability Cost Modifier
+0.5 Yearly Absolutism

The Grey LaboratoryFilled with smoke, heat, and fire, the old laboratories of our foundry have become too small for our experiments. We finally have the perfect excuse to expand them to accommodate even deadlier weapons for even more extreme testing, but in - almost - complete safety!
-10% Military Technology Cost

+1 Diplomatic Relations