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Primary Culture

+15% Reform Progress Growth
+10% Shock Damage

Rule Of The Berileb-BoharsaThe zor Berileb-Boharsa were once one among the hundred families of the Metobesebi, ruling a small piece of the elbow valley. However, over the centuries, through diplomacy, violence, and marriage, the family grew to become the most dominant of the Metobesebi, founding the kingdom of Teleksemayi.\n\nThe rulership style of Teleksemayi has been described as "two-faced" by many. To the common people, they are seen as great rulers, who bring peace and prosperity to their subjects. To those with any power and influence, like the family patriarchs, the zor Berileb-Boharsa are ruthless monsters. Every Metobesebi patriarch has been blackmailed in some form, forcing obedience.
-2 National Unrest

Crushing The RebellionThe families that rejected and fought the zor Berileb-Boharsa were expelled from their lands, fleeing westwards to the highlands still not under Teleksemayi's rule. They founded the Sedarketema federation, a true rival to the zor Berileb-Boharsa family's grip on power.\n\nFor decades the kingdom and the federation would fight constant battles. Teleksemayi referred to the Sedarketemans as rebels, and punished them accordingly. In 1478, when Sedarketema was finally destroyed at the battle of Denkaret, Teleksemayi made sure to make an example. Every minor rebel holdout was systematically destroyed, its defenders executed to the last.\n\nA statement was made that year, one no patriarch would ever forget. Teleksemayi would be the final Metobesebi power, and those that rejected it would be exterminated.
+10% Siege Ability

Dreadlock RegimentsThe warriors of our army that show exceptional skill in battle are promoted to elite ‘Dreadlock’ regiments. While dreadlocks are a common hairstyle among our army, in these regiments the dreadlocks extend past the shoulders, imitating a lion’s mane far more effectively. These men are capable warriors, fighting with the might of a lion, and causing dread in those they fight.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

Capital In The SkyThe highlands of the Metobesebi never had great cities like those of the lowlands. Their cities never grew to great sizes, constrained to their narrow valleys. But with the wealth of Teleksemayi, this would change. A new capital was built into the mountainside of Leenshelok, the entire valley becoming a great city, full of people. The royal palace was built entirely within the mountains, its upper reaches nearing the mountain peak. The city of Leenshelok extended up the mountainside, almost vertical in some areas, a city seen nowhere else in Amilak's land.
-10% Construction Cost

Return To TefgebenTeleksemayi had attempted to expand into the eastern Metobesebi highlands in the past. When the Iyarhashari came from Rahen in 1431, they pushed Teleksemayi out of the east, and with the establishment of Sedarketema, Teleksemayi would take decades to return.\n\nWith the destruction of Sedarketema, Teleksemayi looked again eastward. Utilizing its manpower advantage, and with support from Iyarhashar's rivals, Teleksemayi's armies marched eastwards in 1485.\n\nAt the battle of Tefgeben, the Teleksemayi and Iyarhashari armies clashed. The battle quickly turned into a stalemate, but due to a hidden flanking attack by Teleksemayi, the army of the Metobesebi emerged victorious. In the following years, the Iyarhashari would be kicked out of every holding they had on the mainland, and by 1489, they sailed away from East Sarhal, never to return. Teleksemayi had finally united the Metobesebi, a feat never achieved by any other.
+20% Manpower in Primary Culture provinces

Peace Of The HeightsThe unification of the highlands under the kingdom of Teleksemayi led to a golden age for the Metobesebi. As there was no longer warfare between the families, and none dared invade the hills, there was little warfare for centuries beyond the odd petty raiding band or pirate ship.\n\nThis peace led to a large growth of the population of the Metobesebi. New cities were built as the population rose to heights only found in the Yet Valley. The kingdom grew wealthy and powerful, becoming the great power of the horn of Sarhal.
-10% Development Cost in Primary Culture

Metobesebi NationalismThe zor Berileb-Boharsa sought to maintain the unity of the kingdom, and as such looked abroad for a solution. They found it in the kingdom of Vanrahar, a nationalistic, militaristic, Harimari supremacist state in the Ascension Peninsula. Metobesebi philosophers sponsored by the king of Teleksemayi would emulate the ideology of Vanrahar, modifying it to fit their purposes.\n\nTeleksemayi would lean heavily upon Metobesebi nationalism, proclaiming the state itself as one massive family. In accordance with this policy, the state worked to destroy the old family structures and their patriarchs. Every Metobesebi would be loyal to the state first and foremost; to be a Metobesebi was to be a Teleksemayi.
-10% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

+10% Production Efficiency


