Tarakari Ideas

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+50% Available Loot
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Mountains don’t give back what they takeBloodshed is all our people has ever known. Best our enemies and take everything they have, once merely to survive, but no longer now that the mountain-home and its wealth are orcishkind’s dominion. We will take from the strong, not because we need to, but because we are stronger.\n\nRaids outside the Serpentspine will be overseen by the Algakar Code, which ensures fair treatment of prisoners until they are ransomed, forbids attacks on towns that haven’t finished rebuilding, and states that those who accept to pay tribute shall be left alone. The rules ensure the surfacers know what to expect of us, so that they give up as much riches as possible. But more importantly, they allow the weak to rebuild and grow richer.\nAnd once they gather enough wealth, we will take everything from them too, because we are stronger.
-15% Aggressive Expansion Impact

The UnchainedIn the darkness of the Dwarovar, the trader and explorer needs light, but the raider prowls in the dark. Black orcs have invented many fighting techniques adapted to the darkness along the centuries, and the unification of orcishkind has refined them into a martial art of its own that foregoes reliance on sight entirely.\n\nThe greatest blademasters of that art undergo a ceremony in which they gouge out their own eyes to rely solely on Dookan’s sight instead of their own, and emerge Unchained. Even other orcs fear such masters; they whisper of seemingly impossible counters to attacks that were not even started, of a terrifying implacable fighting pace and believe them undefeatable in combat.
+5% Discipline
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

The True TreasureDookan teaches that thinking of war without keeping peace in mind is madness, and that thinking of peace without keeping war in mind is foolishness. There is a time for all things, and what truly keeps us together isn’t the glory we share in battle. It’s the family we come back to, and the smile of a son or daughter welcoming us home. One day, they too shall know war, but as Dookan teaches, there is a time for all things, and nothing is more sacred in Tarakar than a child’s innocence.
-2 National Unrest

Rule of the FittestEverything. Everything one desires can be acquired in an Ozarm’chadash, ensuring he has the strength to claim it. Such is the informal rule of those duels the participants implicitly agree on.\n\nStill, the nature of such a challenge makes people wary of issuing them unless they have nothing left to lose, and they don’t hone our people’s skills as much as they could. We will replace those duels of honor to settle disputes by ritualized gladiatorial combats to keep us strong. Anyone who wishes to acquire greater status, wealth, or fame can enter the arena to claim it, and the last one standing -even should it be a mean enough dwarf or the odd honorable goblin- will have earned it by right of strength, the only one that matters. Such is the way we orcs live by, and the only true way.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
+10% Manpower in True Faith provinces

Improve, Adapt, Overcome“-That map of yours was right, Mushû. Tons of good salvage in there. The bearded really don’t make stuff as they used to.\n-I think of that often, answered Mushû the Philosopher, because they called him that for a reason. They fell apart because of all those giant halls they dug and giant statues they made to fill them.\n-You ain’t making any sense.\n-They were full of themselves. Wanted to be remembered, but only built their own tomb instead. We’ll make something out of it, and it’s going to be used by our people and not sitting there looking fancy.\n-Uh, never thought of it like that. Guess that’s why they call you the Philosopher.\n-Just remember, we’re giving new life to every piece we take back. We’re not just scavengers. We’re builders of the future.\n-Yeah, well, the future can wait a bit. These pieces are heavy.”\n\nAs they got to work, Gralk couldn't help but wonder if there was some truth to Mushû's words. Maybe they were more than just scavengers. Maybe, just maybe, they were part of something bigger.
-10% Construction Cost
-10% Regiment Costs

End of the ClansTo become Tarakar’s ruler, one must destroy all obstacles on their way. To rule Tarakar is to rule unchallenged. Orcs may once have followed local chiefs, but there is now only one being strong enough to be worth following under the mountains.\n\nOur realm itself shall acknowledge that truth, and from bickering tribes something new, something stronger will be forged. Out of the blood spilt in unseen caverns and the fire of the Serpentspine’s forges, a true nation of orcs will emerge.
+15% Max Effect of Absolutism

Breaking the CageWe orcs hold within us the spark legated by Dookan himself, his divinity our own. A gift, but also a duty to free him from the unjust imprisonment inflicted upon him by the treacherous other gods as he wanted to find a new home for himself and us.\n\nHowever, numerous variations of the story can be found all across the Serpentspine. We will work on compiling them and creating a unified version of the true teachings of Dookan, and orcish scholars will become Tarakar’s warriors in the greatest of all conflicts! Freeing a god is not a task that can be achieved by mortal steel; Dookan’s cage shall be broken by making the followers of the traitor gods turn away from them to weaken their power. Only then shall their treachery be undone!
-50% Cost of enforcing religion through war
+1 Missionaries

+15% Liberty Desire in Other Continent Subjects