Szicheng Ideas

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+1 Leader(s) without Upkeep
-10% Regiment Costs

The League of YanszinThe League of Yanszin is an organization of the five city-states at the heart of the region: Yanzhong, Guhe, Yangcheng, Anjiang and Yingzhen. Founded in 276 AA, they are bound together for defense against the surrounding warlords.\n\nOther Yansheni nations do not greatly trust them, yet they always seem to manage to get great deals. They have always gotten themselves out of difficult situations, pulling strings behind the scenes to bring about peace with minimal losses or even gains. Most famously, they would play a central role in the conspiracy that led to the murder of Jaher.
+33% Spy Network Construction

The Great ZhanyingSzicheng was founded by a long gone Yan kingdom long before the Harimari invaded the land. It was built as an army camp to defend the nearby cities of Anjiang and Yingzhen from a neighboring rival power. The old Zhanying still rests in the center of our great city, and continues to be used to train our soldiers for battle.
+0% Yearly Army Professionalism

ZhudetsaiWhile Yanzhong may claim to be the Yanszinwang, Lord of the Zhin, Szicheng always stood as the Zhudetsai, Lord of the West. As the second largest city in the league, second only to Yanzhong itself, we occupied an envious position as the leaders of the western reaches of the league where we stood as the bulwark against duskward aggression.
-1% Prestige Decay

Dragon of the ZhinThe rest of the league may prefer to pull strings from the shadows, but we of Szicheng have never been ones to settle. Our city is glorious, her armies elite, her gardens verdant, and her future bright. All of Yanshen must lie under the rule of Szicheng for the betterment of the land, as only we are capable of defending her and bringing prosperity to all of the Yan.\n\nThose that stand in our way must be brought to heel, and learn how to kneel before their betters.
-15% Province War Score Cost

Burned BridgesRising tensions between Szicheng and Yanzhong ultimately resulted in our city's abandonment of the Zhin soon after the successful assassination of Jaher and the explusion of his legions. We were forced to forge our own path, as we always had, but now without allies. And we stood ready to pursue our destiny without the dead weight of the spineless cowards one can find in the league.
+100% Power Projection From Insults
-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

Tian SzichengThe era of Tian Szicheng was the golden age of our people. Across the plains west of the Da Hu, our banner flew proudly over villages and cities, our armies patrolled the land, repelling southern barbarians and western ruffians while our blades in the dark ensured our old 'allies' could not strike us in the back.\n\nThe Tianszi prospered and flourished under our rule, and though the period was not to last, it continues to be remembered as a high point in Yan history.
+1 Monthly Splendour
+1 Yearly Prestige

Fall of the Old DragonWhen the border lords of Bianfang bore down on our city, we were wary but unconcerned, convinced that we would crush them when the time came. Indeed, we even worked alongside them to conquer the fortified city of Lamwun, doubling our realm's size within a few short years. War was coming, and we knew well what it would entail. We were not prepared for the onslaught wrought upon us however, as the forces of Bianfang broke our lines and ravaged our city, our people despaired.\n\nHow had we fallen so? Was it our own hubris, or had we lost the favor of the High Gods? For years our people pondered and wept, but now we have finally regained our independence from those brutes. Our fall is but a distant memory, though so are our glory days. Szicheng shall once again rise to become the feared and respected city of warriors and conquerors we once were, and the world shall weep and cheer at our resurgence. The Dragon of Szicheng may have been struck down, but she was never slain.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
+10% Morale of Armies

+1 Military Free Policies