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Primary Culture

+1 Diplomats
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Thrice-built CityA traveler coming to Svemel for the first time would expect the city to be an example of Rzentur architecture, yet Svemel is anything but just that. The city known by many names, first as Fisvare, then as Vysamsto, and finally as Svemel, has all styles of architecture. Ynnic houses similar to that of Vareynn are dotted across the city, between them - the famous Dragon Stones, places of worship built during the early Drozma Tur era. Capital buildings of the late Ynnic Empire are surrounded by regular Rzentur inns and guilds. But above all stands the Grand Temple of Svemel, the religious center of all Rzentur elves.\n\nSvemel has endured much, having been burned, conquered and razed before. Yet the thrice built city shall be built again, if needed.
-15% Construction Cost

Zihm KolednizIn 1159 an exceptionally cold year struck the northern lands of Ynn. Svemel, still recovering from the Invasion of 1154, was running out of supplies by winter. The city's salvation came in the form of a travelling merchant from Vareynn who visited the city and could not stand watching the locals starve. The merchant went from house to house, sharing what food supplies he brought with him.\n\nSince then the holiday of Zihm Koledniz was established in the city, where neighbours go to each other and share their dinner, along with singing, dancing and gift exchanges. Every Rzentur child in Svemel knows this story and eagerly awaits that winter day of celebrations.
-2 National Unrest

Dragonblood WardsDuring the Cursed Ones' invasion in 1154, the Great Dragon Drozmagog protected Svemel from these ravaging beasts. As the dragon was injured during the fight, the blood fell on the walls of Svemel, giving them their unique brown-greenish colour. Svemelic elves believe that the city was marked as eternally protected by the dragon against those who enter Svemel with harmful intentions. That belief was further reinforced centuries later when Varlengeilt, son of Drozmagog, marked all Dragon Stones in the city with his own blood. With the blood of two dragons being cast on the city all Svemelic elves believe that the city is warded for eternity.
+20% Foreign Spy Detection

Northern Capital of YnnThree grand cities lie on the Ynn - Vareynn, Arverynn and Svemel. The first two served as capitals of the Ynnic Empire, while Svemel was only a capital of the northern claimant faction during the Third Ynnic Civil War. But later Svemel was bestowed with an even greater prize - to be the capital and beating heart of the Dragon Dominion. For the Rzentur people Svemel acts as a cultural and religious centre, both as the place where Drozma Tur originated from and its central position in the lands populated by Rzentur elves. It always acts as a place of negotiation and deal making between the Rzentur themselves and as a trade center between Eordand and Ynn.
-15% Envoy Travel Time
+5% Trade Efficiency

The Scaled WallsThe Cursed Ones' invasion left Svemel's defences at best damaged and at worst irreparable. The idea to build a new set of fortifications around the city has been around for centuries, but was only completed following the formation of the Dragon Dominion. Named "The Scaled Walls", in reverence of the dragon that once saved the city, they use bricks made in a scaled pattern to reinforce the idea that Drozma always protects the city.\n\nThe first time Scaled Walls saw action was during the Istranari Crusade of 1622, when the Corinite zealots seized the chaos of the War of the Bacaran Succession and invaded Dominion lands in the name of their goddess and laid siege to Svemel. The project was proved to be a success as the Scaled Walls protected the city with the Istranari suffering high casualties and retreating after a year long siege.
+15% Fort Defence

Bronzeclaw BrothersThe Bronzeclaw Brothers were a pair of Greenscale Kobold artificers who left Cannor in search of adventure, and made their way up the Ynn all the way to Svemel in 1701. During their stay in Svemel, the Green Terror and son of the dragon-god Drozmagog, Varlengeilt, arrived in the city with a speech. During the speech an attempt on his life was made by the Corinite rebels, who failed and proceeded to flee. The brothers decided to intervene and deployed their traps, managing to capture the rebels and bring them to Svemelic city guard.\n\nImpressed by these artifice inventions Varlengeilt granted them an audience. The brothers, seeking an opportunity of a lifetime, asked to build a center of artificery led by them. The dragon, who usually masqueraded in ruinborn form, seeing the practical use of artificery and perhaps kinship with his misbegotten cousins, granted their wish. The city of Svemel sponsored the construction of the first kobold artificer guild in the Dragon Dominion. Soon after, plenty of Greenscale Kobolds migrated to the city and worked under the Bronzeclaw Brothers' leadership.
+5% Artificers Loyalty Equilibrium
-3% Technology Cost

Steel Dragons of SvemelAs more kobolds settled in Svemel, the use of artificery became more widespread and accepted, Greenscales decided to make a grand project for the city that took them in. The project known as "Steel Dragons of Svemel" originally was intended to be a heavy suit of armour with functional wings and a fire breath, similar to dragons. However, the project was not taken well by the clergy and Varlengeilt himself, seeing mimicking the dragons as borderline heretical. As a compromise, the Steel Dragons lost wings and any attempt at fire breath and simply became a well made suit of armour used more frequently in Svemelic army than the previous model ever could have been.
-10% Fire Damage Received

+1 Land Leader Fire


