Sunrise Empire

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Sunrise Empire

Primary Culture

+1 Diplomatic Reputation
-0.15 Yearly Corruption

First Unifier of HalessWhile Harimar managed to conquer the Rahenraj and Yanshen, he and his descendants never had the means nor desire to conquer the rest of Haless proper. Jaher, however, did not have those limitations. By the time of Jaher's death in 1127, the Phoenix Empire stretched from Bulwar to Tianlou to Arawkelin, and even the stalwart kingdoms of the Sikai were in talks of joining the empire as a peaceful partner.\n\nWith the resurgence of the Phoenix Empire in Haless, it is by right that Haless be united under a single benevolent entity once again.
-25% Core-Creation Cost

Erlak-szel-DazalMeaning 'noblesse oblige' or 'nobility obliges', this phrase hearkens back to the sun elven attitudes as benevolent and impartial rulers of the land. Because of their duty to rule and to protect, the sun elven people must be held to higher accountabilities and expectations. They must be a good force in the world; kind and generous, patient with even those that disobey, and ultimately, be the embodiment of Surael in the world.
-1 National Unrest
-10% Stability Cost Modifier

Jaerelic LegionsFormed by an elite cadre of Righteous Path monks and Sikai warriors, the Jaerelic Legions became the modern version of Jaher's Phoenix Legions with one core difference: they accepted and heavily utilized non-elves. While this style was also adopted by the Jaddari, the legions of the Sunrise Empire focused on the collective values of the Halessi peoples and incorporated the ritualistic gestures of the Righteous Path in their drilling techniques, making them a fierce opponent in the field.\n\nTheir most famous technique was the 'Burning Dragon Technique', which was essentially a fire-and-advance tactic done at an incredibly fast pace, allowing an entire regiment to continuously fire on the enemy immediately prior to entering into melee range.
+0.15 Infantry Fire

Equals Beneath the Rising SunUnlike his father, who dreamed only of conquest, and his sister, who dreamed of elven supremacy, Jaerel dreamed of a world united as one - regardless of race, creed or belief, which he espoused to a point in making the love of his life, the harimari princess Tataka, his primary wife. Unfortunately, Jaerel's stance was only seen as a failure to choose a side, which saw many of his allies abandon him.\n\nTimes have changed, however, and as the world is led by the scions of Anbennar, a realm created to bring peace and equality, perhaps Haless is now ready to see that All Are Equals Beneath the Rising Sun.
+2 Tolerance of Heathens
+2 Tolerance of Heretics

Rezan ZimharRezan Zimhar. The Alliance of the Sun. Found and translated by scholars in the 19th century from a lost part of Jaerel's will, the Rezan Zimhar was a plan to essentially federalize the disparate and diverse cultures and religions of Haless into a united state which granted them great amounts of autonomy and privileges, all under an impartial sun elven central court. Assumed to be greatly inspired by events surrounding the collapse of Jaerel's empire-building efforts, he had hoped to present this proposal at Sarisung shortly before he was assassinated.\n\nNow that the Sunrise Empire shines ones again, perhaps Jaerel's ambition can now be realized.
+20% Governing Capacity Modifier

Monks of the Weaving PalmThe sun elves brought with them arcane magic, a form of magic that was mastered through study and learning. Before that, most magic-users in Haless either utilized chi (their spiritual energy) or were outcasts studying rough forms of arcane, druidic, or other magics in the fringes of Halessi society.\n\nThe Monks of the Weaving Palm were a collection of sun elven magi, high philosophers and righteous path monks who apparently spent a hundred days and nights debating on the nature of spirits and magic in the High Temple of Tianlou.\n\nThere, they developed a concept of magic that was described as 'the weave', something that one must connect with on a spiritual basis to master, not just through study. While the concept of 'the weave' never reached wide-spread popularity, the Monks of the Weaving Palm proved incredibly deadly in battle, evoking arcane spells through movements and gestures akin to chi and cultivation practices, using nothing but their internal energies - the arcane 'weave' in the air - rather than spell reagents and components.
+10% Shock Damage

We All Lift TogetherA common saying within the Sunrise Empire, possibly originating from ancient Yan proverbs, "We All Lift Together" was a slogan used during the industrialization initiatives of the Age of Artificery when many factories, funded by artificers and magnates, were created across Haless. It is said that the unity of the Sunrise Empire saw that every man, woman and child, regardless of race, had a role in lifting up the empire - or in a factory's case, worked as one in an assembly line.
+20% Production Efficiency


