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Primary Culture

+0.75 Yearly Army Tradition
-15% Province War Score Cost

A Triunic CrownIt has been over a thousand years since any Triunic has worn a crown, and never has one claimed sovereignty over the Zabatlari, Metsamic, and Khamgunai alike. While the common people celebrated their democratic history, many of the nobility have longed for the consistency a monarch brings. Now that we have given them this opportunity, their enthusiasm will be our foundation of strength.
-2 National Unrest
+10% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium

Modern GovernanceWhile many consider the system of monarchy to be antiquated, to us it represents a new potential for our people. In their commitment to democracy the cities of Sätsare allowed their republics to stagnate into uncompetitive oligarchies, and now we offer a new way forward. When the leadership of the state is known in advance by birthright, those who once squabbled for power can instead devote themselves to the betterment of the nation.
+15% Reform Progress Growth

Regal CourtsWhile some may consider the process of a ballot effective, it does not come close to the majesty of a royal court. When attempting to get your way diplomatically, it pays to be able to impress foreign diplomats with lavish decorations and appropriate cultural dress. When they return home to deliberate in their sovereign's court, it shall be ours that dwells on their minds.
+2 Diplomatic Reputation

Zealous MarchIt is easier for troops to fight when they know what it is that they fight for. In ages past they fought for survival or for petty strife between cities, out of desperation or obligation. Our men fight for glory, their nation, and the crown. To these higher callings they find pride, and find it easy to send those without such purpose away from the field of battle.
+10% Morale Damage

Glorious ReignTo many 'Glory' is hard to define, but they know it when they see it in the fine architecture built by kings past that stands to this day. Despite their previous detestation of monarchy they found pride in the monuments it helped erect, and in this identity the novel crown shall find strength from its distant predecessors.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Loyal TroopsThere are few qualities more valuable in a soldier than loyalty. Loyalty is what keeps a fighter fighting for one cause, it is what drives them to stand by their compatriots, and it is what keeps them on the march under our banner. While weapons and tactics are needed for a battle, the loyalty of the soldiers is what wins it.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

Imperial TradersWhile the individual city states of the past had their own mercantile routes, they lacked the cohesion to bring true wealth to a nation. Now that trade routes are standardized throughout the nation, those acting abroad are able to do so with impunity, knowing they need not compete with their countrymen to strike a profitable deal.
+1 Merchants


