Sugambrian Ideas

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-20% Fort Maintenance
+10% Production Efficiency

The Protectors of the SouthSince we owned Calasandur's castle it became our job to defend the southern borderlands against any incursions by gnolls and the Busilari. Despite that recently we became more interested in conquering the region ourselves, this still greatly enhances our reputation.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Hardened by HistoryDuring our defence of the empire, we often suffered losses but we always learned from our mistakes and fought on. Thus we managed to turn losses into draws, even if we sometimes had to call in the rest of the empire.
+5% Discipline

Land of FunfairsOur people not only know times of war and hardship, but also times of peace and prosperity. Our country is known for its travelling merchants and carnivals, this not only distracts our population from their grievances but also brings in some tax money.
+10% National Tax Modifier
-0.5 National Unrest

Excellent ShoesThe shoemakers of our country have a well-earned reputation. If we make our soldiers share in the fruits of their labour, we can make them march harder before their feet will bleed.
+15% Movement Speed

Gnollish MercenariesIn our struggle to defend the south we often had to craftily turn one foe against the other. Now we are in a situation where we can send an already defeated foe against our enemies.
-10% Mercenary Maintenance
+20% Mercenary Manpower
+1 Tolerance of Heathens

Drain the MarshIn order to have a prosperous and populated homeland, we need to improve our marginal lands and send our best subjects to colonize any empty land.
-5% Construction Cost
-5% Development Cost

Loyalty from below, authority from above.We must organise our municipalities by a system where their inhabitants chose a tenth of themselves to be eligible for office, afterwards the crown selects the most loyal subjects out of this pool to serve as local officials. This not only serves to create two 'filters' of incompetent and corrupt officials, but also gives our subjects a feeling of input and self-determination whilst preventing any unruly elements from achieving office.
-0.15 Yearly Corruption

+20% Manpower Recovery Speed