Strutmar Ideas

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+1 Attrition for Enemies
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

Wardens of the Winter GateUnder the snow-covered branches and the glow of the aurora, Strutmar stands as the last remnant of balance in the wintry wilderness. The citadel of Dungat, the Winter Gate to the Domandrod, was the site where the first Eordan left the mystical forest with hope in a new future; now the imposing Gate solemnly towers over the horizon as a personification of the stubbornness of the Strutmar Peitar. When long ago all their cousins turned to champion the Winter and others took to arms in the name of Autumn, the Strutmari remained resolute in their vow to uphold the balance of the seasons. When the world erupted into war and death, the Strutmari wept for their wayward cousins.\n\nThe gleaming gate, evershifting between every color in the rainbow, shines brightly against the dark, cold land. Behind it may lie a paradise that the Strutmari could retreat to, but the guard will keep watch until their last breath, for they will never abandon the land of promise and hope.
+25% Garrison Size

Autumn's GraveFor centuries the Strutmari have watched the eternal struggle between Autumn and Winter, content to guard their lands unnoticed by the enemy. But the Hibernal Crusade forced them to take action, with the near-total triumph of the Autumn Court over Winter. The Peitar tribes gathered to discuss what action to take to curb the expansion of the Autumn Court, and designated Strutmar with the responsibility to take their main force head-on. Hopelessly outmatched, the Strutmari waited and watched for an opportunity... and found one when the leadership of the Hibernal Crusade was gathered by the Esbagg of Eighard at Minnorac, the Field of Oaths, to swear loyalty to him.\n\nTheir Tuathak Legions, heavily armored and disciplined phalanxes, stood watch towards the cold forest whilst their commanders bowed and prostrated. Almost unnoticed, the Tuathak leadership fell to hidden arrow and blade, and their forces soon found themselves surrounded on either side by the Strutmari. To this day, Minnorac is known as Autumn's Grave, where the Hibernal Crusade was shattered before its victory.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Medhan CouncilTo many the Strutmari lands seem a deserted wilderness, but that is a carefully crafted deception. There are few permanent settlements in Strutmar due to their small population, and being outnumbered by Tuathak and Snecboth aggressors, and instead migrate unseen across the land. Thrice yearly, representatives of each clan meet at the fortress of Imatt to coordinate their movements, with loyalty first to the protection of the Winter Gate and second to their clan. While the councillors of the Medhan Council wield considerable power, it is a necessary degree of autonomy to ensure the survival of the Strutmari.
+8% Movement Speed
-8% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

Whispers of the Northern TowerAn isolated tower connected by a narrow bridge to Dungat, the Northern Tower is more than just a vantage point. Locked behind a keyhole only accessible to the Sonad is a barren and lifeless room, only lit by a few small windows. It is said that the Sonad spends many hours alone in the tower, but what happens there is unknown. Some say that the tower is haunted by some spirit, benevolent or malevolent, who aids or puppets the Sonad, while others say that they are simply studying and concentrating in peace. Whatever the case, after spending time alone in the Northern Tower the Sonad will always have a solution ready.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

The Anchor of Peitar ValuesWhile the Peitar champion themselves as upholders of balance, many of them have gone astray in different ways than veneration of the seasons. Whether infatuated with with pride like the Pelomarans, engulfed with decadence like the Iadthi, or with gleeful malice like Sidpar, Strutmar remains among the few Peitar who maintain the old ways. While we may be mocked for our meagre lands and funds, we know that we have maintained true balance once beloved by our ancestors.
+1 Diplomats

Wondrous Waters of the Medhan AquiferUnderneath the frozen woods and rocky permafrost is an invaluable resource: the sparkling Medhan Aquifer water. Long guarded and only accessible at Strutmari fortifications, the waters of the aquifer are not only sweet and clean, but are a natural preservative far more effective than salt or other mundane resources. When soaked or prepared in these miraculous waters, foodstuffs become highly resistant to rot or decay, and with this adaptation many Strutmari foods are prepared in a soup-like fashion.
+25% National Supply Limit Modifier

The Drakehide CloakThousands of drake scales sewn into an imposing cape have protected the Sonad of Strutmar from danger countless times. Said to have been a sister relic of the famous blade Dracball, both forged from the scales of a rampaging Drake across the Randrunnse, the Drakehide Cloak offers great protection against both projectiles and blade. But far greater than just its physical properties, the Cloak is a symbol of pride for the Strutmari, for the Fey blessed them with retaining this artifact unlike Dracball which was cast off far to the east.
+1 Yearly Prestige

+15% Land Force Limit Modifier