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Primary Culture

-20% Diplomatic Annexation Cost
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

Stanyran the SlyStanyrhrada, whose name means "Old Castle", is also said to have been named after Stanyran, the anti-hero who lived in the third century after Flood. Aboard a cargo boat carrying stone directed to Amstenur, Stanyran set the boat off course along with the rest of the convoy by tampering with the compass of its captain. Once they arrived north, he used his wit and charms to talk the convoy crew into using the stone to build a shelter there, a shelter which became a palace, and thus Stanyrhrada was born.\n\nWhile we in no way condone such a piratesque act, and have in fact sent reparations to the lordship of Stenurynn for the loss of stone after so many years… we do find the story of the exploit entertaining when sung by a minstrel or performed by a theater. That is all.
+20% Trade Steering

Golden Dome over the Green ForestHigh above the castle tower, is the Golden Dome of Stanyrhrada, said to bless those that surround it with fortune, good health and protection. It was the relic watching over the ancient homeland, saved during its fall and brought to Stanyrhrada.\n\nIn more recent times, golden domes have become a popular feature of Ynnic architecture, and every one of them is meant to evoke a particular blessing for their town or castle. However, none of them are said to be as powerful as the original in its golden beauty which inspired them all, a beauty we bear on our shield with pride.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Bilingual EducationThe Dolindhan conquest of Sarda is remembered in few places like in Stanyrhrada. While later Emperors went on to officialize the Sarda language, the Lords and Ladies of our castle still use the title of "Spodhan" and "Dam" rather than "Pan" and "Teta", and they are given Dolindhan names at birth and raised to learn both Dolindhan and Sarda languages. While the other southron lords scoff at our practice and say our energy would be better spent in the study of other subjects, even they have to concede that "Vitre Kubern" is a much more powerful sounding name than "Vytrie Cruyonna".
+1 Max Promoted Cultures
-15% Promote Culture Cost

The Vitre KubernThe Vitre Kubern, the Knights of the Dome, are an order of knights sworn to the Dome of Stanyrhrada, de facto sworn to the Lords of Stanyrhrada. Recognizable for their antler horses wearing gilded chanfrons, it is said that for every one of them you strike down, two more knights will take their place.
-10% Cavalry Cost
-10% Reinforce Cost

The Imperial PalaceThe Palace of Stanyrhrada was inherited in 674 by Emperor Darastarad I, who married Valyana, the daughter of Prince Trandir. Having travelled south to attend the latter's funeral, Darastarad became so enamoured with the local weather and beautiful countryside of Stanyrhrada, that he decided to move the Ynnic imperial court there.\n\nIn 900, Stanyrhrada was granted to a cadet branch of the imperial house, which outlived its main line and still rules Stanyrhrada past the fall of the Empire. Because of this prestigious history, even today our fief commands a great deal of respect.
-25% State Maintenance

Legacy of the OrderbringerIn 1152, during the Third Ynnic Civil War, the realm of Sarda shattered into pieces after Emperor Varamel was treacherously slain by an Epednar horde. Dolindhans, working with the Epednar, laid siege to Vels Bacar and ravaged the western Ynn while in the east a Veykodan horde began rampaging. Allies turned on one another as cities rose up in rebellion, former generals vied for power and soldiers turned into bandits.\n\nIn this chaos, Lord Adrjon of Stanyrhrada took up arms, gathered the last Imperial forces and loyal knights, and marched to restore order. He defeated the Veykodans, driving them back, then slew the rebels, then managed to relieve Vels Bacar. And when he earned his moniker, Orderbringer, he placed Filimir - a nephew of Varamel - on the throne of Arverynn and swore fealty to him, relenting his own claim to emperorship.\n\nWhile Filimir made a good emperor, he couldn't reconquer Dolindha nor save the Ynnic Empire, and when in 1205 his son Fineas was overthrown and brutally lynched, that spelt the end of any Sarda unity left. Many think that, if only Lord Adrjon Orderbringer had taken the throne, things would have gone so very differently.
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact

The First TreatyA copy has recently been unearthed near Velenynn of the very first treaty between Vareynn and Stanyrhrada, signed in 399 after Flood. It recites:\n\n"There shall be friendship between the Vareynnics and their allies, and the Stanyrhradans and their allies. On the conditions:\n1. No Stanyrhradan vessel is to sail past the bridge of Bostynn, unless driven there by monsters or enemies.\n2. Stanyrhradan merchants may operate in royal Dolindhan lands only in the presence of a scribe or town-clerk, and the sale will go directly to Vareynn's state.\n3. The Prince of Stanyrhrada is to be held accountable for any misconduct on the part of Stanyrhradan merchants towards Vareynnic citizens.\n4. Likewise, none of Vareynn's soldiers, riders and mercenaries are to attack settlements on the banks of the Velenynn tributary of the Ynn River, for they are subjects to Stanyrhrada, unless they are seen flying the banners of Amstenur or Vels Bacar.\n5. In Vareynnic-controlled Sarda colonies, Stanyrhradans are to have the same rights as Dolindhans."\n\nSigned by kings and princes long gone, what is not gone are the consequences of that treaty, for when in 572 King Jeborad of Vareynn made good of that friendship and crossed the Ynn at Vels Bacar with an army - a feat everybody had thought impossible until then, it marked the beginning of the Ynnic Empire, of which we were the capital for two glorious centuries.
+1 Diplomatic Relations


