Stantirshalan Ideas

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-15% Land Attrition
+10% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium

Golden Fields of the Ynn"Oh Stantirshalas, so beautiful and tender\nThe mighty River Ynn, a golden farm will render\nFields of wheat, maybe fields of gold\nYou are as ancient as the Empire\nYet you do not grow old"\n\n-First verses of a poem commissioned by Lord Faraji of Stantirshalas, 1344
+10% National Tax Modifier

Harvest FestivalsDating back to pre-Imperial times, the Stantirshalan harvest festivals are a series of festivities held during the last week of Autumn, where all the countryside gathers to eat, compete and laugh over long tables warmed by magic fires. The end of the festival is marked by mages performing an enchanting ritual on the fields, to ward off evil spirits that would taint the crops and the bite of winter that would strangle them, ensuring that Stantirshalas maintains its title of "Golden Farm" for yet another year.
+10% Religious Unity
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

Imperial HeartlandThe area surrounding the cities of Vareynn, Stantirshalas and Bostynn is known historically as Trojvare, or "Three Cities" in Dolindhan, which formed the original nucleus of the ancient Kingdom of Vareynn that rose to unify the entire Ynn River into a great Empire, beginning with its conquests in the early fourth century and finishing in the seventh century with the total submission of the Sarda.\n\nOf the three, Stantirshalas was the oldest and most central settlement, often mediating issues between its two "Little Sisters" up and down the stream and making sure that they remained united in the face of danger and hardships. And while it was Vareynn that created an empire, nobody can understate the role Stantirshalas played in safeguarding Vareynn up to that point.
+20% Improve Relations
-1% Prestige Decay

Stantirshalan PerpetuityWhile the Kingdom-turned-Empire of Vareynn faced many hardships and tribulations across its history, Stantirshalas remained steadfastly loyal to them every step of the way, sending troops during invasions and opening up their granaries during famines, and always aligned with the capital during revolts. Only after the barycenter of the Empire had shifted south to the lands of the Sarda, did they break free along the rest of Dolindha. To this day, "to be a Stantirshalan" means to be helpful and supportive, loyal to a fault and never shifting in your allegiances.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Rebuild the Bostynn BridgeBostynn, which gets its name from its bridge ("bost", in Dolindhan), sits in a state of disrepair. Built over the narrowest portion of the eastern Ynn River, the city faded in importance already during Imperial times, when Emperor Armynn II ordered the construction of the massive Bosancovac Dam, a project which once completed opened up a second, much larger passage downstream. We will tear down the old Bostynn Bridge, and, using the most lavish materials our coffers can import as well as advice from Cannorian engineers, we will build a new splendid bridge that will signal a new start for the town, and help revitalize the local economy.
+10% Provincial Trade Power Modifier

The Bostynn Bridge-WardensThis has to be said - the whole reason the Bosancovac Dam was built, was because two Imperial functionaries had been thrown off the Bostynn bridge, then the city refused to apologize for the incident! In a stark contrast to us, Bostynn has always been the home of fierce, outright obstinate people, who jumped at every opportunity to revolt, forming impromptu bands of peasant warriors who ransacked the countryside until the Imperial army would inevitably arrive to put them down.\n\nThe "Bridge-Wardens" were experienced hunters who frequently put themselves at the head of those revolts and, when not busy leading, constituted the best archers available north of Arverynn. Many often joke that had it not been for the usefulness of the Bridge-Wardens, the city of Bostynn would have been razed to the ground centuries ago.
+10% Land Fire Damage

New Tools for Old FarmsSettlers from Cannor have weird customs, but we cannot deny they are good at what they do - settling. Over the course of a few decades, large stretches of land all along the outer tributaries of the Ynn River have been converted to farmland that supports large population centers. While nobody contests that Stantirshalan produce is of far higher quality, it would be foolish to let ourselves fall behind in quantity: we shall invite some Cannorian farmers as honourary guests to our harvest festivals, where, under the effect of the beer - and the sense of commonality brought by our festivities - it'll be easy for them to open up and share the secrets of their craft.
-10% Administrative Technology Cost

+1 Diplomatic Possible Policies