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Primary Culture

+10% Garrison Size
-10% Infantry Cost

Arturo's WatchWhile most of the Stalwart Band are more than happy to settle down as new lords of the marches, the legendary adventurer Arturo síl Stonehead asserts that they are repeating the mistakes of the lords of old Escann, becoming complacent and soft. To ensure the Greentide will never occur again, he has established a group of likeminded adventurer-knights, and while they exist mainly to fight off the many monsters that still prowl across the land, they also keep the realm’s peace during times of unrest.
+5% Adventurers Loyalty Equilibrium
-1 National Unrest

The Stalwart PeaceThe Greentide has ended, and with that comes peace and turmoil in equal measure. Though Corin slew Dookanson, orcs and goblins still are ever-present in Escann. While other adventurers have taken to killing and slaving as the solution, nothing good is built on blood and chains. This, combined with the urgent need for manpower, made us decide to work with the orc and goblin settlements in our land, to build a better Escann.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

The Vernham Homestead ActAs new realms were forged across Escann, settlers, both former refugees and newcomers to the east, flooded in from the west and north. This was a blessing, save for the fact that few seemed to be coming to Stalbór in particular, which meant Stalbór was finding itself sapped of manpower. To solve this, the king decreed the Vernham Homestead Act, under which every settler was granted 50 acres and an ox. This act was a great success, attracting enough people to fill the empty farms and enabling Stalbór to boom as the breadbasket of southern Escann.
+10% Production Efficiency

RogbórAs the Age of the Witch Kings dawned, Stalbór found itself in need of defenses against threats that loomed on the horizon. Using the stones from ruined Castanorian forts and with abjuration shields to ward against mages, bridge-fortresses were built at major river crossings within the kingdom, to hold against invaders until reinforcements arrived. As they were built across the kingdom, towns and villages cropped up around them for the safety they brought. The fortresses thus became symbols of Stalbór, forged from the old to defend the new.
-10% Fort Maintenance

Bridging the VeilWhen the Verdant Veil came down at the end of the Greentide, Cannor was introduced to the many exotic goods native to the Deepwoods. Feytouched wood, pixie dust, rainbell; the land held wonders abounding for any merchant who could get their hands on them. Unfortunately, danger was another thing the Deepwoods had an abundance of. The Stalbóri, however, with the entrance to one of the groves in their lands and many Wood Elven citizens who could act as merchants and diplomats to their Deepwoods kin, enjoyed a profound advantage to trading these coveted commodities.
+10% Global Trade Power

Stalbóri StoicismThe people of Stalbór are regarded as very stoic people, heirs to both the rugged Marcher sensibility and the adventurous Busilari spirit. They are known for blunt words and sharp decisions. While some may regard them to be lacking the elegance of others, and to be dull as stone, the Stalbóri reputation for always keeping their word and fulfilling their duty makes them a very valuable friend and ally.
+2 Diplomatic Reputation

The Winged CuirassiersIn addition to the Rogbór, the Winged Cuirassiers were the other great symbol of Stalbór, heavy cavalry developed during the Age of Witch Kings meant to combat the surrounding realms during the chaos of the age. Their armour was made from Fey steel, crafted by Wood Elven artisans to resemble the winged lions of Stalbór. It is no wonder the enemies of Stalbór mistook the thunderous charge of the Winged Cuirassiers for the roaring of stone lions.
+15% Cavalry Combat Ability

-2 National Unrest


