Soyzkaru Ideas

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+10% Land Fire Damage
+1 Attrition for Enemies

The GrindAs time moves forward, it is increasingly evident that wealth is the new determinant of who holds the most power. The more money you can bring in, the more people will listen to you, and the more you can make in the future. Profit is pursued down to the fraction of a percent. You want an extra hour of beauty sleep? Now Lugg across the road has taken all your customers, and has your house leveled to make room for his personal baths.\n\nSome would come to refer to these small gains as "another chip off the grindstone", eventually giving rise to the all encompassing term The Grind, the never ending struggle to the top.
-15% Advisor Cost

Hired MuscleNot everyone is suited for the Grind. Those who can’t keep up form the lower class, a disgruntled group who are too lazy for their own good. Unfortunately, they aren’t lazy enough to toe the line and not cause problems, and some even take to the old ways, creating pacts with fey so they can pretend to possess power they simply do not have. Fortunately, we have plenty of fortune seekers at our beck and call, eager to deal with problems such as these. Taking these bands of orcs or humans on as long-term peacekeepers means they get their money, and we don’t have to waste time dealing with annoying uprisings.
-25% Harsh Treatment Cost
-10% Mercenary Cost

Forest and Fey, Into the ForestThe Deepwoods have been our home for centuries. We were here first, and it was through immense hardship that we have taken back our lands from the elves, the orcs, and our brethren who sold out to the Fey. Despite this victory, there is no denying that the world is changing. Returning to the ways of our ancestors, living idly among nature, remaining ignorant of the outside world, is no longer an option.\n\nThe Grind demands we take advantage of our resource rich lands before our neighbors decide to take them from us. Every tree is furniture yet to be built. Every clearing is a farm waiting to be plowed. Every creature, Fey or otherwise, is just another resource to be hunted down and made useful. Every opportunity will be exploited to guarantee and ensure our home remains ours alone.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Contingency PlanningWhen it comes to making deals within the Cartel, it’s a dog eat dog world; every contingency must be prepared for, or your next negotiation will be your last. An up and coming hustler needs to be prepared for anything, whether it be a surprise assassination attempt, fierce negotiation tactics, subterfuge, you name it. As such, when it comes to dealing with foreign affairs, our diplomats tend to be overprepared, which makes an already lax affair that much more pleasant, both for us and those we deal with.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Opportunistic PietyAny good merchant knows that the best way to make deals is by appealing to ego, and there are few more egotistical than the religiously devout. If joining a foreign merchant in prayer, wearing an amulet, or having idols of different pantheons on standby will give you an edge over your competitors, why let that opportunity go to waste? In Soyzkaru, you can meet the most dogmatic Corinite in Cannor one day, and see them singing the praises of Jaddar and the Light the next.
+1 Tolerance of Heathens
+10% Trade Efficiency

Cartel TownsDespite outward appearances, the Cartel is not just one all-encompassing conglomerate, but rather a web of different subsidiary cartels that report to the Big Boss. As long as this dynamic is respected, these subsidiary cartels are free to act of their own volition. As such, many cartels have taken a more feudal approach to their business dealings by buying land to make towns or muscling the leadership out of existing ones.\n\nOnce established, these "Cartel Towns" import low class workers, promising them a place to stay and affordable living conditions if they work the lands of the surrounding area. The laborers are compensated for their work using locally-produced currency that by design isn’t recognized anywhere else. As such, despite being free to leave at any time, residents of the town would have to start from scratch if they did, forcing most to stay put.
-15% Trade Company Investment Cost

The CiernkakestThe Dwarovar was once a vast expanse of winding caves, in some ways not unlike the Deepwoods, where losing your way was common, especially if you weren’t acclimated to such an environment. The creation of the Dwarovrods changed that, making travel between settlements a breeze, even after the rails built along them were damaged.\n\nA proposal has been submitted for the creation of our own rail system, dubbed "The Ciernkakest", which would create a more physical connection between the groves, reducing the risk of being led astray by nasty fey trickery. With the use of fey essences such as pixie dust, we could power large machines that could ferry people to and fro all on their own. It would be a technological marvel beyond any in recorded history!
-10% Diplomatic Technology Cost

+15% Global Trade Power