Southroy Ideas

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+1 Diplomats
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

South of the PortroySouthroy, a bastardisation of the original gnomish settlement of Ronroy, became the common name for the region south of Portroy River. It was popularised after Lencori humans started to mingle with the gnomes settling in the region. Those Lencori would eventually become organized under the administration of the Creek Gnomes, becoming the Iochanders. \n\nHowever, as the Hierarchy's influence waned while that of Lorent waxed, the Lencori increasingly outnumbered the gnomes of the region. By the end of the Lilac Wars, it was largely untouched by the carnage gripping much of the rest of Cannor, and many refugees moved to the duchy. Southroy had become quite a diverse area where cultures mingled freely, be they humans, gnomes, or anything beyond.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

Inherited AdministrationDespite the region once being the breadbasket of Iochand, Southroy's farms have been overlooked by the Lorentish crown ever since the region fell under royal demesne. In addition, the 1399 occupation of Ronroy by the elven necromancer Alarawel with her army of undead and her subsequent defeat led to Ronroy's destruction and the movement of the duchy's capital to its current location, renamed to Southroy. Despite these setbacks, locals habitually fall back on the old Gnomish administration procedures to speed up the duchy's revitalization efforts.
-10% Development Cost

Think Like a GnomeOne of the biggest differences between a gnome and a human is their mindset. Humans, with their short lifespans, often think in the immediate term, while gnomes, with their long lifespans, have the luxury of waiting decades for their plans to come to fruition. Due to frequent contact, Southroyer humans have been able to shift to this mindset as well, gaining increased perspective on issues when compared to other humans, which gives their plans proper time to breathe. \n\nFor instance, a set of land reforms reorganising Southroy's farms over the course of a century paid off during the Lilac Wars, as the duchy was spared from much of the impact of famine gripping Lencenor.
-10% Idea Cost

The Marcher DuchyLong has Southroy sat on the border of whatever kingdom it is a part of. Iochand saw it as the main bulwark against Lorentish and Derannic aggression, while Lorent used the land as a shield against Reveria and Gawed. This has led to a unique and highly defensive military tradition in which Southroy hides forces in settlements well enough to make them appear unprotected, and then surrounds their enemies after they pass through. It was like this that Southroy alone thwarted a Reaver invasion during the Lilac Wars.
+20% Fort Defence

Reliable RonroyIn both Iochand and Lorent, the people and rulers of Southroy got along exceptionally well with the crown. The records show the síl Southroys standing by the Lorentish king in every political dispute, leading to the term, "Reliable Ronroy", becoming common in the court of Lorentainé when referring to their political stance. This reputation for trustworthiness has spread, and people across Lencenor and beyond know that the people of Southroy will always act in good faith and seek cooperation.
+20% Improve Relations

Iochander CarnivalsOne of the myriad ways in which Creek Gnome culture has blended with humans in Southroy is the popularity of carnivals. However, Southroyer carnivals differ from the gnomish version. While gnomish carnivals are large, singular events with song, dance, and other festivities, humans prefer travelling carnivals that roam the countryside, bringing entertainment to every city, town, and hamlet in the duchy.
-2 National Unrest

Direct Ducal RuleWhen the human counts of Thunderward and Haysfield revolted against Duchess Tilly I in the decades after the War of the Sorcerer-King, the síl Southroy family adopted a policy of Direct Ducal rule, where they would not divide their lands between lesser lords. Ducal authority was efficient, and this allowed the duchy to punch above its weight against other regions within Iochand and Lorent. \n\nA source of prosperity for the land, the policy of Direct Ducal continued under the síl Southroy dukes even after Southroy swore fealty to King Laurens III of Lorent in 1264. Southroy is a land that should forever stay united in authority, and not be split among squabbling small lords.
+1 Yearly Absolutism

-10% Advisor Cost